Regulatory Labour Law Compliances and PoSH


Management Development Program (MDP) on Regulatory Labour Law Compliance

• Chetana’s Institute of Management and Research (CIMR) organized a Management Development Program (MDP) on Regulatory Labour Law Compliance for Industrial Relations/Employee Relations Officers and HR Managers. The two-day program was held on December 10th and 11th, 2024.

The MDP aimed to enhance participants' knowledge and practical application of labour law compliance and related tools. The program attracted nominations from five prominent manufacturing companies in Mumbai and Thane. Thus, the participants were senior officers responsible for compliance matters and 15 HR students from CIMR.

Program Highlights

• Dr. Madhumita Patil, CEO of CIMR and CRKIMR, inaugurated the program, emphasizing the importance of compliance to protect the workforce.

• Mr. Vijay Padate, a distinguished expert and former Director of the Employer Federation of India, as well as a former member of EPFO and ESIC, provided a comprehensive overview of the Indian labor law landscape, including the four labor codes and the broader regulatory environment. He highlighted the significant challenge faced by HR and IR heads, emphasizing the need to adhere to 463 labor laws and 32542 compliance requirements. Mr. Padate underscored the severe consequences of non-compliance, including substantial penalties and reputational damage. His discussion delved into key labor laws such as the Industrial Disputes Act, Factories Act, Employment Standing Orders Act, and Contract Labor Act, identifying 13 common dilemmas encountered by principal employers. He also shed light on complexities within EPFO and Maternity Benefit Act regulations. By elucidating Supreme Court rulings and fostering insightful discussions with participants, Mr. Padate's sessions deepened understanding and stimulated critical thinking.

• Dr. Nandita Mishra, Director of CIMR, and Dr. Mahesh Luthia, Area Chair and Professor of HR, led an engaging simulation activity for all participants. After providing a brief overview of specific compliance scenarios, they divided the participants into three groups comprising both practitioners and students. Following a collaborative discussion, each group presented their insights and perspectives using post-it notes. This interactive session concluded by emphasizing the paramount importance of adhering to labor law compliance.

• Mr. Vishwanathan Vasudevan, a seasoned expert and former Head of Legal Advisory Cell at the Employers' Federation of India and Indlawshastra, led the session on the 11th of December. His insightful discussions focused on the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Act and Diversity. He delved into the concepts of workplace and extended workplace, the constitutional framework for workplace equality, and the importance of awareness and sensitization. Mr. Vasudevan provided a comprehensive overview of the composition and duties of Internal Complaints Committees (ICCs) and their role in promoting women's empowerment. He further enriched the session by highlighting the evolution of workplace laws through significant rulings from the Apex Court and High Courts, emphasizing key principles and their practical implications.

• The MDP concluded with the distribution of participation certificates by CEO, Director and esteemed experts. Dr. Indira Singh delivered the vote of thanks, marking the successful completion of the knowledge-driven program.

• Participants gained valuable insights into the intricacies of Indian labor laws and their implications for businesses, practical strategies for ensuring compliance and mitigating risks, best practices for handling workplace issues, including harassment and discrimination. By addressing these critical areas, the MDP empowered participants to effectively navigate the complex regulatory landscape and contribute to organizational success.


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