(Tenant Co‐Partnership Housing Society )

a. The Name of the Society bye Law no 1. a 3
c. The Society is classification bye Law no 1. c 3
a. The registered address of the Society bye Law no 2. a 3
5. The objects of the Society bye Law no 5 7
( A ) Raising of Funds bye law no 7 7
(B)Share Capital bye law no 8 8
(C) Limit of Liabilities bye law no 11 8
(D) Constitution of the Reserve Fund bye Law no 12 8
(E) Creation of Other Funds bye law no 13 a. b. c. d. 9
b. Major Repairs Funds bye law no 13 b. 9
(F) Utilisation of the Funds by the Society bye law no 14 9
a. Reserve Fund bye law no 14 a 9
b. Repairs and Maintenance Fund bye law no 14 b 9
c. Sinking Fund bye law no 14 c 9
(G) Investment of Funds bye law no 15 10
( A ) Classes of Members bye law no 16 10
( B ) Eligibility for Membership bye law no 17 10
( C ) Conditions for Membership bye law no 19 11
( A ) Rights of Member 13
Active Member bye law no 22 c 13
( B ) Getting Copy of the Byelaws, Audit Report & 13
Inspection of Books & Records and getting copies thereof bye law no 23 a. b. 13
( C ) Occupation of Flats bye law no: 24 14
( D ) Restrictions on Rights of Associate and Nominal Members bye law no 25 14
( E ) Resignation of Membership bye law no 27 14
( G ) Nomination by Members bye law no 31 16
( H ) Transfer of Shares and interest in the Capital/Property of the Society Bye law no 37 17
( I ) Exchange of Flats bye law no 40 19
( J ) Subletting etc. of Flats bye law no 42 19
( A ) Maintenance of Flats by Members Flats to be maintained bye law no 44 47
( B ) Expulsion of a Member bye law no 48 21
( C ) Cessation of Membership bye law no 54 22
( D ) Restrictions on Holding more than One Flat bye law no 59 23
( E ) Liabilities of a Member and the Past Member bye law no 60 23
( F ) Other Matters bye law no 62 23
IX. LEVY OF CHARGES OF THE SOCIETY BYE LAW NO 64 , 65 , 66, 67 , 68, 69, 70 25
( A ) First General Meeting bye law no 84 30
( B ) Annual General Body Meetings bye law no 93 32
( C ) Special General Body Meetings bye law no 95 32
Subject Index
Particulars bye law no page no
a. The Name of the Society shall be
b. The Society shall follow the procedure laid down under Section
15 of the Act and Rule 14 of the Rules for the change of its
c. The Society is classified under major class "Housing" with subclass
"Tenant Ownership / Tenant Co-partnership / Other
Housing Society."
a. The registered address of the Society shall be as under:
…….. …… ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. …. …. …. … …. …. …. ….
.. ….. …… … …….. …… ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. …. …. …. …
…. …. …. …. .. ….. …… …….. …… ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. ….
…. …. … …. …. …. …. .. ….. …… …….. …… ….. ….. ….. …..
….. ….. …. …. …. … …. …. …. …. .. ….. ……
b. Address for Correspondence ( as decided by the Managing Committee)
…….. …… ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. …. …. …. … …. …. …. ….
.. ….. …… … …….. …… ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. …. …. …. …
…. …. …. …. .. ….. …… …….. …… ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. ….
…. …. … …. …. …. …. .. ….. …… …….. …… ….. ….. ….. …..
….. ….. …. …. …. … …. …. …. …. .. ….. ……
c. Any change in the registered address of the Society shall be
intimated by it to the Registering Authority and all others
concerned within 30 days of such change.
d. Any change in the registered address of the Society shall be
made after following the procedure laid down in Rules.
e. The Society shall exhibit at a conspicuous place at the main
entrance of the building, a Board indicating its name.
Registration number and the registered address.
3. Unless otherwise separately provided in these bye-laws, the following
words and terms shall have the meaning assigned to them here in :
i. 'Act' means the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act; (MCS Act)
ii. “Bye-laws” means by-laws consistent with Act and registered under
this Act for the time being in force and includes registered
amendments of such bye-laws;;
iii. 'Chief Promoter' means the person who is elected by the
Promoters, in their first meeting, or in their subsequent meetings in
case the post of the Chief Promoter lies vacant, till the first general
Name of the Society
Procedure for
changing the
Address of the
Address for
Procedure for
changing the
address of the
Exhibition of
Name Board
Interpretations of
the words and
iv. "Committee" means the Committee of management or board of
directors or the governing body or other directing body of a
cooperative Housing Society, by whatever name called, to which
the management of the affairs of a Society is entrusted and vested
under section 73 of the Act.
v. '…….. Days' Clear Notice means the number of calendar days
intervening between the day of posting the notice and the day of the
vi. 'Flat' means a separate and self contained set of premises used or
intended to be used for residence, or office, or show-room, or shop,
or godown and includes a garage, or dispensary, or consulting
room, or clinic, or flour mill, or coaching classes, or palnaghar,
beauty parlour, the premises forming part of a building and includes
an apartment;
vii. 'Housing Society Federation' means the federation of cooperative
housing societies, registered and notified under the Act;
viii. 'Ownership Flats Act' means the Maharashtra Ownership Flats
(Regulation of the Promotion of Construction, Sale, Management
and Transfer) Act. 1963
ix. 'Papers' means all or any of the items mentioned in the bye-laws
Nos. 142 and143
x. 'Parking Space' means open space within the premises of the
Society earmarked by it for parking of vehicles and includes a stilt,
basement, podium , mechanized parking;
a. ‘Parking Slot’ means demarcated and numbered individual parking
slot for a single vehicle ( for four wheeler LMV or two wheeler ) within
the Parking Space available with the Society
xi. 'Prescribed Form' means the form included in the Annexure II
indicating the bye-law No. under which it is prescribed and the
Appendix at which it is enclosed;
xii. 'Promoter' means a person, who has signed the application for
registration of the Society.
xiii. “Promoter Builder” means a person and includes a partnership
firm or a body or association of person, [whether registered or not]
who constructs or causes to be constructed a block or building of
flats [or apartments] for the purpose of selling some or all of them to
other persons, or to a company, Co-operative Society or other
association of persons, and includes his assignees; and where the
person who builds and the person who sells are different persons,
the term includes both..
xiv. 'Rules' means the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Rules,
xv. 'Reserve Fund' means the fund constituted under the provisions of
Section 66 (1) of the Act and the Bye-law No. 12(i);
xvi. 'Repairs and Maintenance Fund' means the fund constituted
under the Byelaw No. 13(a);
xvii. 'Sinking Fund' means the fund constituted under the Bye-law No.
xviii. "Major Repair Funds" means a Fund created by the Society and
constituted under Bye-law No. 13 (b), for the purpose of Major
Repairs including Plastering, building of compound wall, pavement,
total painting, reconstruction.
xix. "Municipal Act means" the Maharashtra Municipalities Act 1965
(Mah. XL of 1965).
xx. "Open space" means an Area, forming a integral part of the site,
left open to sky.
xxi. "Open terraces" means terraces which are otherwise not in the
exclusive possession of any of the Members.
xxii. "Common Areas and Facilities" means
a. the land on which the building is located;
b. the foundations, columns, girders, beams, supports, main walls,
roofs, halls, corridors, lobbies, stair-ways, lifts / escalators , fire
escapes and entrances and exits of the building;
c. the basements, cellars, yards, gardens, parking areas undemarcated
/ demarcated parking slots, and storage spaces;
d. the premises for the lodging of janitors or persons employed for
the management of the property;
e. installations of central services such as power, light, gas, water
storage and water heating, water harvesting, pump houses,
refrigeration, air conditioning, generators, roof top solar devices,
common antennas and mass communication and data sharing
f. the elevators, tanks, pumps, motors, fans, compressors, ducts
and in general all apparatus and installations existing for
common use;
g. such community and commercial facilities as may have been
provided for;
h. all other parts of the property necessary or convenient to its
existence, maintenance and safety or normally in common use;
xxiii. 'Society' means the ............. ...................... .....................
................... ...... Co-operative Housing Society Ltd
...............................................registered under the Act
xxiv. "Member" means a person joining in an application for the
Registration of a Cooperative Housing Society which is
subsequently registered, or a person duly admitted to Membership
of a Society after Registration and who holds the right, title and
interest in the property individually or jointly;
a. “Active Member” means
i. One who has purchased and owns a Flat / Unit in the Society.
ii. One who attends at least one General Body Meeting of the Society
in the previous five consecutive years.
Provided that nothing in this clause shall apply to the members
whose absence has been condoned by the General Body Meeting
of the Society.
iii. Who has paid the Society Maintenance Service and other charges
at least once in previous consecutive five years.
b. "Associate Member" means a Members who holds the right, title
and interest in the property individually or jointly with others, but
whose name does not stand first in the share certificate;
c. "Nominal Member" means a person who does not hold the right,
title and interest in the property individually or jointly admitted to
Membership as such after registration ;
xxv. "Family" means Group of persons which includes husband, wife,
father, mother, sister, brother, son, daughter, son-in-law, brother-inlaw,
sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandson /daughter.
xxvi. 'Transfer Fees' means the sum payable by a transferor to the
Society for the transfer of his shares along with occupancy right as
provided under the Bye-law No. 38(e)(vii).
xxvii. 'Premium' shall mean and include the amount payable to the
Society by the Member, transferring his shares and interest in the
capital/property of the Society, in addition to the transfer fee as
provided under bye-law No. 38(e)(ix);
xxviii. "Working Capital" means funds at the disposable of the Society
inclusive of the paid up capital, share capital, funds created out of
profits, and money raised by borrowing or by any other means.
xxix. ‘Authorized Person’ means a person duly authorized to take action
under the provisions of this Act.
xxx. “State Co-operative Election Authority” means an Authority constituted
or nominated by the State Government for the purposes of
superintendence, direction, and control of the preparation of the
Electoral Roll for and conduct of the Elections of Committee of a
Society or such class of Societies as may be notified.
xxxi. “Expert Director” means and includes a person having experience in
the field of Housing, cooperation and the field relating to the objects
and activities undertaken by the Society.
xxxii. “Functional Director” means and includes a Chief Executive Officer or
Manager or by whatever designation called, Nominated by a
Committee and discharges duties and functions as may be assigned to
him by the Committee.
xxxiii. "Officer" means a person elected or appointed by a Society to any
office of such Society and includes any office bearer such as a
Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Chairperson, President, Secretary, Joint
Secretary, Treasurer, Joint Treasurer, Member of the Committee,
Manager, and any other person elected or appointed to give directions
in regard to the business of such Society.
4. The area of operation of the Society shall be confined to
............................................. ………. ……… …….. ……
Explanation :
1) For the Society in the Bruhan Mumbai insert City Survey no / Gat no. / Final Plot no / Ward no
2) For the Societies at other places, insert City Survey no / Gat no. / Final Plot no / Ward /
Corporation- Municipal limits / Town / Village of.............................. ........ ...... ................. Taluka
...................................District .............................
Area of Operation
5. The objects of the Society shall be as under :
a) To obtain conveyance from the Owner/ Promoter Builder, in accordance
with the provisions of the Ownership Flats Act and the Rules made there
under, of the right, title and interest, in the land with building/buildings
thereon, the details of which are as hereunder :
The building / buildings known / numbered as ..................................
constructed on the plot / plots nos............../ Survey no. ............. / CTS
no.................... of ..................................( village / taluka ) admeasuring
..................... sq. meters, more particularly described in the application for
registration of the Society;
*(a) To buy or take on lease a plot or plots nos........ ..../Survey no. ..........
.... / CTS no .................. of.............. admeasuring. .............. sq. mts. and
to construct flats thereon for allotment to the Members of the Society for
their authorised use.
To purchase a building or buildings known as .....................
.......Constructed on the plot / plots nos / survey no. / CTS
no............................of ................ admeasuring.................. sq. mts.for
allotment of flats therein to the Members of the Society for their authorized
b) To manage, maintain and administer the property of the Society;
c) To raise funds for achieving the objects of the Society;
d) To undertake and provide for, on its own account or jointly with a
cooperative or Other Institution Social, Cultural or Recreational activities;
e) To provide Co-operative Education and Training to develop co-operative
skills of its Members, Committee Members, Officers and Employees of the
f) To do all things, necessary or expedient for the attainment of the objects
of the Society, specified in these bye-laws.
6. The Society, immediately after its registration, shall become a Member of the
Co-op Housing Federation of the District / Ward / Taluka, the District Central
Co-operative Bank. of the District, and shall pay sums, from time to time,
payable by it, under the bye-laws of the respective organisations referred to
( A ) Raising of Funds
7. The funds of the Society may be raised in one or more of the following ways:
Modes of raising the funds of the
Objects of the
Affiliation of the
Society to other
Coop Institutions
Modes of raising
Funds of the
a. by entrance fees,
b. by issue of shares,
c. by loans and subsidies,
d. by deposits,
e. by voluntary donations, (but not from Transferor and Transferee)
f. by contributions towards cost of building or buildings,
g. by fee on transfer of shares, along with the occupancy right,
h. by premium on transfer of occupancy right over the flats,
i. by corpus fund from Promoter Builder
j. by any other mode permitted under these bye-laws,
k. by way of statutory requirements.
l. by way of non-occupancy charges, leasing / hiring of open spaces
m. by way of corpus fund, in case of redevelopment
(B)Share Capital
8. The Authorised Share Capital of the Society shall be Rs
................................divided into ............... shares of Rs. 50 each.
9. a.) A Share Certificate, prescribed in bye-laws, bearing distinctive number and
indicating the name of the Member, the number of shares issued and the value
paid there on, shall be issued by the Society to every Member for the shares
subscribed by him, within a period of six months of the allotment of the shares.
b) the Committee of the Society shall issue a duplicate share certificate, “So
Marked”, on application to its members on production of following documents.
1. if the share certificate is lost - copy of police complaint lodged, and an
affidavit in that regard.
2. if the share certificate is soiled, burnt, torn, disfigured etc. affidavit in that
10. Every such Share Certificate shall bear the seal of the Society and be
signed and by the Chairman, the Secretary and one Member of the Committee,
duly authorised by the Committee. The same shall be issued by the Secretary
of the Society.
(C) Limit of Liabilities
11. Deposits from Members and loans may be received by the Society for such
period and at such rate of interest and upto such amount and on such terms
and conditions as may be determined by the Committee, provided that at no
time, the total amount of such liabilities shall exceed the limit prescribed under
Rule 35 of the MSCS Rules.
(D) Constitution of the Reserve Fund
a. The Reserve Fund of the Society shall comprise of
i. all entrance fees received by the Society from its Members;
Share Capital
Issue of Share
Certificates to the
Members of the
Society's seal and
signature of office
bearers on every
share certificate
Restriction on
incurring liabilities
by the Society
How the
Fund shall be
ii. all transfer fees received by the Society from its Members on
transfers of the shares, along with the occupancy rights;
iii. all premium received by the Society from its Members on
transfers of their interest in the capital or property of the
iv. the amounts carried to the said fund, from year to year, out of
the net profit / surplus of that year, subject to the provisions of
Section 66 (1) and (2) of the Act;
v. all donations received by the Society, except those received by
it for the specific purpose.
b. The Society shall, while finalising the accounts for the preceding
cooperative year, appropriate all amounts referred to in the bye-law
No. 12(a)(i) to (v) to the Reserve Fund of the Society.
(E) Creation of Other Funds
13. The Society shall create and establish the following funds by collecting
contributions from its Members at the rates mentioned hereunder :
a. The Repairs and Maintenance Fund, at the rate fixed at the general
body subject to the minimum of 0.75 per cent per annum of the
construction cost of each flat, incurred during the construction of the
building of the Society and certified by the Architect, for meeting
expenses of normal recurring repairs of the Society’s
b. Major Repairs Funds, as and when required and decided by the by
the General Body at the rate fixed pro-rata on area basis.
c. The Sinking Fund at the rate decided at the meeting of the general
body, subject to the minimum of 0.25 per cent per annum of the
construction cost of each flat incurred during the construction of the
building of the Society and certified by the Architect, excluding the
proportionate cost of the land.
d. To create Education and Training Fund from contribution by the
Members Rs 10 per month / per unit or as decided by the General
(F) Utilisation of the Funds by the Society
14. The Society may utilise its Funds in the manner indicated below :
a. Reserve Fund : The Reserve Fund of the Society may be utilised for
the expenditure on repairs, maintenance and renewals of the Society's
b. Repairs and Maintenance Fund: The Repairs and Maintenance Fundmay
be utilised for meeting the expenditure on maintenance of the
Society's property and repairs and renewals thereof.
c. Sinking Fund : On the resolution passed at the meeting of the
general. Body of the Society, the Sinking Fund may be used by the
Society for reconstruction of its building/buildings or for carrying out
such structural additions or alteration to the building/buildings, as in
the opinion of the Society's Architect, would be necessary to
Appropriation of
amounts to the
Reserve Fund of
the Society
Other Funds to be
created by the Society
Creation of
Repairs &
Maintenance Fund
Creation of Major
Repairs Fund
Creation of
Education &
Training Fund
Utilisation of
Reserve Fund
Utilisation of
Reserve Fund
Utilisation of
Sinking Fund
strengthen it / them or for carrying out such heavy repairs as maybe
certified by the Architect and on approval of General Body.
d. The Education& Training Fund be utilized as provided under section
24(A) of the Act
Utilisation of all the Funds shall be with the specific prior approval of
Society’s General Body.
(G) Investment of Funds
15. The funds of the Society, when not deployed in its objects, may be invested
or deposited as required under Section 70 of the Act. Provided that Society's
funds collection shall be invested on long term basis, along with the interest
earned thereon by one of the modes permitted under the said section of the
( A ) Classes of Members
16. The Membership of the Society shall consist of (i) Members, including
Associate Members and (ii) Nominal Members.
( B ) Eligibility for Membership
a. No individual shall be admitted as a Member of a Society
except the following that is to say –
i. Individual who is competent to contract under the Indian Contract Act,
ii. a Firm, Company or any other Body Corporate constituted under any
Law for the time being in force, or a Society registered under the
Societies Registration Act, 1860;
iii. a Society registered, or Deemed to be Registered, under the Act;
iv. the State Government or the Central Government;
v. a Local Authority;
vi. a Public Trust registered under any Law for the time being in force for
the registration of such trusts;
b. A minor or a person of unsound mind, inheriting shares and/or interest
of the deceased Member in the capital/property of the Society, or if
nominated may be eligible for admission to Membership of the Society
through his guardian or legal representative on an application in the
prescribed form, along with undertakings / declarations, in the
Utilisation of
Education &
Training Fund
Utilisation of
all Funds with
approval of
General Body
Investment of
Classes of
Eligibility for
of the Society
Eligibility of Minor or a
Person of unsound
mind for Membership
of the Society
prescribed forms, mentioned in the application.
c. Notwithstanding anything contained in these bye-laws, admission of a
person to Membership of the Society directly or as a result of Transfer
of Shares and interest of the existing Member, in the capital/property,
of the Society, shall be subject to the approval of the concerned
Competent Authorities such as Collector of the District and the land
grant terms as applicable, (provided if the Society has been given land
by Government/CIDCO/MHADA/SRA” or any other authority )
Note (1) : "Family" means as defined under Bye law No. 3 (xxv)
Note (2) : Signatories to the application for Registration of the Society shall be
Deemed to be the Members of the Society after its Registration.
Note (3): The number of Members in the Society shall be limited to the number
of Flats/ Units constructed in the building/buildings. It shall be binding
on the committee to restrict the Members to the extent of the number
of Flats/Units in the Society.
18. A Firm registered under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, a Company
registered under "the Indian Companies Act, 1949, a Society registered under
the Societies Registration Act. 1860 or a Co-operative Society registered or
deemed to be registered under the Maharashtra Co-op. Societies Act, 1960, a
Local Authority, the State/Central Government, a Public Trust or any other
Body Corporate, registered under the law for the time being in force, as
provided under Section 22(1) (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) of the Act may be eligible
for admission to Membership of the Society. However, admission of Firms and
Companies to Membership of the Society and holding of flats by them shall be
regulated in accordance with the notifications issued by the State Government
from time to time under the Second Proviso to Section 22 of the Act.
Note : For existing terms and conditions of the Government Notification
referred to above, see Annexure to these bye-laws.
( C ) Conditions for Membership
a. An individual / applicant who is eligible to be the Member and who has
applied for Membership of the Society in the prescribed form, may admitted
as Member by the Committee on complying with the following conditions :-
i. applicant has fully tendered the value of at least Ten shares of the Society,
along with his Application for Membership;
ii. applicant has paid the Entrance Fee of Rs. 100/-, along with the Application
for Membership;
iii. applicant has submitted the application as prescribed, of the particulars in
regard to any house, plot or flat owned by him or any of the Members of his
family, anywhere in the area of operation of the Society;
iv. applicant has submitted undertaking in the prescribed form to the effect that
he shall use the flat / unit for the purpose for which it was purchased by him;
v. applicant has furnished an undertaking in the prescribed form, if he / she has
no independent source of income;
vi. applicant has submitted, along with the application for Membership of the
Society, a certified copy of the agreement, duly stamped and registered
entered into by him / her/ them with the Promoter Builder or Transferor under
Section 4 of the Maharashtra Ownership of Flats Act;
Eligibility of
Corporate Bodies
for Membership of
the Society
Conditions for
desiring to be
Member of the
vii. applicant has furnished such other undertakings/declarations, in the
prescribed forms as are required under any law for the time being in force and
such other information as is required under the Bye-laws of the Society along
with the application for Membership.
viii. In case of Societies registered under the jurisdiction of special planning
Authority like CIDCO / MHADA / SRA / MMRDA etc. the applicant should be
eligible person as per the provision of respective Act and the directives of the
Govt. / the Planning Authorities, if any.
Note : The conditions at (iii), (iv), (v), and (vii) above shall not be
applicable to the Promoter Builder, applying for Membership
of the Society, in respect of the unsold flats.
b. An Individual, a Firm, a Company or a Body Corporate, registered under
any Law for the time being in force, who/ which is eligible to be an
Associate Member and who/which shall apply through Member in the
prescribed form for such Membership, along with the entrance fee of Rs.
100/-, may be admitted as Associate Member by the Committee.
c. A Firm, Company or any other Body Corporate, registered under any law for
the time being in force, which is eligible to be a Member of the Society and
has made an application for Membership of the Society in the prescribed form
may be admitted as a Member by the Committee of the Society on complying
with the following conditions :-
i. applicant has sent, along with application for Membership of the
Society, a certified copy of the agreement duly stamped entered into by
it, with the Promoter(Builder) or transferor under Section 4 of the
Ownership Flats Act.1963,with certified copy of resolution of the firm or
company as the case may, authorizing to sign the application.
ii. applicant has paid, along with application for Membership, full value of
at least 10 shares and entrance fee of Rs. 100/-.
iii. applicant has complied with the conditions mentioned in the
notifications, issued by the State Government, from time to time, under
the Second Proviso to Section 22 of the Act.
iv. applicant has furnished the undertakings / declarations in the
prescribed forms required under any law for the time being in force
along with the application for Membership.
Note : The conditions at (i) and (iii) shall not be applicable to the
firm/ company of the Promoter Builder, applying for
Membership of the Society in respect of the unsold flats.
20. A sublettee, a licensee, a care-taker, or occupant who is eligible to be a
Nominal Member and who shall apply through Member for such Membership in
the prescribed form applicable, along with entrance fee of Rs. 100/- may be
admitted as Nominal Member by the Committee.
21. The procedure for disposal of Application for Membership of the Society, as laid
under the bye-law No. 65 (a) to (g) shall be followed by the Secretary and the
Committee of the Society.
Conditions for
Individuals desiring
to be Member of the
Conditions for
Membership for
Corporate bodies
desiring to become
Conditions for
of the Society
Procedure for
disposal of
( A ) Rights of Member
a. A Member shall be entitled to exercise such rights as provided in the
Act, Rules and Bye-laws. Provided that no Member shall exercise the
rights of Member of a Society, until he has made such payment to the
Society in respect of Membership, or acquired such interest in the
b. Provided further that, in case of increase in minimum contribution of
Member in share capital to exercise right of Membership, the Society
shall give a due notice of demand to the Members and give
reasonable period of time to comply with.
Active Member
c. A Member shall be termed as an 'Active Member' if he / she fulfill
the following conditions: viz.
i. He / She has attended at least One General Body Meeting in
previous consecutive period of five years,
Provided that nothing in this clause shall apply to the member
whose absence has been condoned by the General Body Meeting
of the Society.
ii. He / She has purchased and owns Flat / Unit in the Society, and
iii. He / She has paid the Society Maintenance Service and other
charges regularly
d. A Member who is not an 'Active Member' shall be 'Non-Active
e. Society shall classify the Members as 'Active' or ‘Non-Active' Member
at the close of every financial year.
i. Society shall communicate to every Non-Active Member about his
classification, within a period of 30 days from 31st March of every
year as prescribed under these By-laws as per Appendix - -----
ii. In case of a dispute about classification of a Member being
Active or Non-Active, an appeal shall lie with the Registrar within a
period of 60 days from the date of communication of such
f. A ' Non Active Member’ can be reclassified as 'Active Member' from the
date he satisfies the conditions laid down under Byelaw no. 22(c).
( B ) Getting Copy of the Bye-laws, Audit Report &
Inspection of Books & Records and getting copies thereof
23. a. A Member shall have right to inspect free of cost books, registers
documents etc. as provided in Section 32 (1) of the Act and get
copies of the documents as provided under Section 32 (2) of the
Act, on payment of the fees prescribed under the bye-law No. 172.
b. A Member shall be entitled to receive a copy of the Approved Bye-laws,
Audit Report of the Society, on payment of charges prescribed thereof.
Inspect Society’s
record and
getting copies
( C ) Occupation of Flats
24. a.The Member, who is deemed to have been allotted the flat under the
Bye-law No. 76(a) of the Society shall have a right to occupy the flat
subject to the terms and conditions set out in the letter in the prescribed
form under the said bye-law.
b. The Associate/Nominal Member may have a right to occupy the flat
with the consent of the Member and written intimation to the Society,
subject to the conditions set out by the General Body Meeting.
( D ) Restrictions on Rights of Associate and Nominal Members
25. No Associate Member shall have any rights or privileges of an active Member
except as provided under Section 27(2) of the Act and he fulfills the conditions
of bye-law 22(a)
26. A nominal Member shall have no rights such as Member.
( E ) Resignation of Membership
( 1 ) Resignation by a Member
( a) A Member may resign from Membership after giving three months notice in
the prescribed form to the Secretary of the Society as provided under Rule
21(1) of the Rules.
(b) No resignation of a Member of the Society shall be accepted unless such
Member has made payment of the charges payable to the Society in full.
(c) Where any charges are found payable by the Member to the Society, the
Secretary of the Society shall intimate the same giving full details and
reasons of dues thereof to the Member within 15 days of the receipt of the
notice of resignation, advising him to make payment thereof within 30 days
of the date of intimation.
(d) Where there are no charges of the Society outstanding with the Member,
the Committee shall accept the resignation of the Member and the
Secretary of the Society shall communicate the same to the Member within
a period of 3months from the date of the receipt of the notice of the
(e) Where any resignation is rejected, the Committee shall record the reasons
therefore and communicate the same to the Member concerned within three
months from the date of receipt of notice of resignation.
( 2 ) Resignation by an Associate Member
28. An Associate Member may resign his Membership any time by writing the letter
of resignation to the Secretary of the Society, through the Member, with whom
he held the shares of the Society jointly. The Secretary of the Society shall
place the letter of the resignation of the Associate Member, before the meeting
of the Committee, held next after the receipt of the letter of the resignation, duly
No rights of
Membership for
Member except
that under Section
27 (2)
Notice of
resignation of
Membership of
the Society.
Resignation not to be
accepted unless
charges of the Society
Caroem fumlluynpicaaidti.o n of
outstanding charges
due to Society from
the Member
Acceptance of
where no charges of
the Society are
Communication of
reasons for rejection
of resignation.
Resignation by
an Associate
No rights of
Membership to a
nominal Member.
recommended by the Member for acceptance by the Committee. The decision
of the Committee, accepting the resignation of the Associate Member shall be
communicated by the Secretary of the Society to the Member and his associate
Member within 15 days of the decision by the Committee. If the resignation is
rejected, the Committee shall record the reasons therefore in the minutes of its
meeting and the Secretary shall communicate the same to the Member and his
associate Member within the time specified above.
( 3 ) Resignation by a Nominal Member, occupying the flat on behalf of the
Firm, Company or any other Body Corporate
28. If there is a nominal Member, occupying the flat on behalf of a firm, company or
any other body corporate, he/she may resign his nominal Membership, at any
time, by writing the letter of the resignation to the Secretary of the Society
through the firm, the company or any other body corporate, on whose behalf he
is occupying the flat. The Secretary of the Society shall place the letter of
resignation, before the meeting of the committee, held next after the receipt of
the letter of the resignation of the Nominal Member, duly recommended by the
firm, the company or any other body corporate for acceptance by the
Committee. The decision of the Committee, accepting the resignation shall be
communicated by the Secretary of the Society to the firm, company or the body
corporate and the nominal Member, within 15 days of the decision by the
Committee. If the resignation is rejected, the Committee shall record reasons
therefor in the minutes of its meeting and the Secretary shall communicate the
same to the firm, company or the body corporate and the nominal Member
within the time specified above.
( 4 ) Resignation by a Nominal Member, who is Sub-lettee, Licensee,
Caretaker etc.
29. A sub-letter, licensee, caretaker or possessor of a flat or part thereof, who has
been admitted as a nominal Member of the Society may resign his nominal
Membership at any time, by writing the letter of the resignation to the Secretary
of the Society, through the Member who has been permitted by the Committee
to sub-let, give on leave and licence or caretaker basis the flat or part thereof or
part with its possession in any other manner. The Secretary of the Society shall
place the letter of the resignation before the meeting of the Committee, held
next after the receipt of the letter of the resignation duly recommended by the
Member concerned for acceptance by the Committee. The decision of the
Committee, accepting the resignation shall be communicated by the Secretary
of the Society to the Member concerned and his sub-lettee the licensee, the
caretaker, or as the case may be, the possessor of the flat or part thereof,
within 15 days of the decision by the Committee. If the resignation is rejected,
the Committee shall record reasons there for in the minutes of its meeting and
the secretary of the Society shall communicate the same to the Member
concerned and his sub-lettee, licensee or caretaker etc. within the time
specified above.
30. On acceptance of the resignation of the Member, under bye-law No. 27, the
Society shall acquire the shares and interest of the Member in the capital/
property of the Society and pay him the value thereof as provided under the
bye-law No. 66.
Resignation by a
Nominal Member,
occupying the flat on
behalf of a firm,
company or any
other body
Resignation by a
licensee- or
Acquisition of shares
and interest of the
Member in the
capital/property of the
( G ) Nomination by Members
31. A Member and / or Associate Member of the Society may by writing under his
hand, in the prescribed form, nominate a person or persons to whom the
whole or part of the shares and / or interest of the Member in the capital /
property of the Society shall be transferred in the event of his death. The
acknowledgement of the nomination by the Secretary, shall be deemed to be
the acceptance of nomination by the Secretary. No fees shall be charged for
recording the first nomination. A Member may revoke or revise his nomination,
at any time, by making an application, in writing, under his hand, to the
Secretary of the Society. The acknowledgement of the variation in nomination /
subsequent nomination by the Secretary, shall be deemed to be the
cancellation of earlier nomination. Every revision of the nomination shall be
charged a fee of Rs. 100/-
32. On receipt of the Nomination form, or the letter for revocation of the earlier
nomination, the same shall be placed before the meeting of the Committee.
held next after the receipt of the Nomination form, or the letter of revocation of
the earlier nomination, by the Secretary of the Society for recording the same in
the minutes of the Committee. Every such nomination or revocation thereof
shall be entered in the register of nominations by the Secretary of the Society
within 7 days of the meeting of the Committee, in which it was recorded.
33. Subject to the provisions of the Section 30 of MCS Act. 1960 bye-law No. 17A
or 19, on the Death of a Member, the Society shall transfer the shares and
interest of the deceased Member in the Capital/Property of the Society to the
Nominee/Nominees and in proportion with the shares and interest held by the
deceased Member, in case property is purchased by Member and associate
Member jointly. In the event of death of the Member, Nominee/Nominees shall
submit the Application for Membership, within six months from the death of a
Member. If there are more than one Nominee, on the death of a Member, such
Nominees shall make Joint Application to the Society and indicate the name of
the Nominee who should be enrolled as Member. The other nominees shall be
enrolled as Joint/Associate Members unless the nominees indicate otherwise.
The nominees shall also file an Indemnity Bond in the prescribed form
Indemnifying the Society against any claims made to the shares and interest of
the deceased Member in the Capital/Property of the Society by any of them, in
case only one nominee is indicated by the Nominees for Membership of the
Note:- In case of acquiring Membership on the basis of Nomination, such Member
shall hold the flat / unit in 'trust' till all the Legal Heirs are brought on record
and shall not have the right to ownership and shall not create third party
interest or alienation in any way whatsoever.
34. Where a Member of the Society dies without making a nomination, or no
nominee comes forward for transfer, the Society shall invite within six month
from the information of his death, claims or objections to the proposed transfer
of Shares and interest of the deceased Member, in the capital/property of the
Society, by a public notice, in the prescribed form, exhibited on the notice board
of the the Society. It shall also publish such notice in at least two local news
papers, having wide circulation. The entire expenses of publication of the notice
shall be recoverable from the value of shares and interest of the deceased
Member in the capital/property of the Society. After taking into consideration the
claims or objections received, in response to the said notice, and after making
such inquiries as the committee considers proper in the circumstances
prevailing, the committee shall decide as to the person, who in its opinion is the
heir or legal representative of the deceased Member. Such a person will be
Procedure for
by a Member and
its revocation /
Recording of
or revocations
/ revisions
Transfer of
shares and
interest of the
Member in the
capital /
property of the
Transfer of shares
and interest of the
deceased Member in
the capital/property
otf the Society to the
eligible to be a Member of the Society subject to the provisions of the bye-laws
Nos. 17(a) or 19, provided that he gives an Indemnity Bond along with his
application for Membership in the prescribed form, indemnifying the Society
against any claims made to the shares and interest of the deceased Member in
the capital/ property of the Society, at any time in future, by any person. If there
are more claimants than one, they shall be asked to make the affidavit as to
who should become a Member of the Society and such person, named in the
affidavit shall furnish the indemnity bond as indicated above along with
application for Membership, referred to above. If however, the committee is not
able to decide as to the person who is the heir/legal representative of the
deceased Member or the claimants do not come to the agreement, as to who
should become the Member of the Society, the Committee shall call upon them
to produce succession certificate from the Competent Court. If, however, there
is no claimant, the shares and interest of the deceased Member in the
capital/property of the Society shall vest in the Society.
35. If there is the single nominee and if he demands payment of the value of
Shares and interest of the deceased Member, in the capital / property of the
Society, the Society shall acquire the same and pay him the value thereof as
provided under the bye-law No.63. If, however, there are more nominees than
one and if they demand payment of the value of the shares and interest of the
deceased Member in the capital/property of the Society, the Society shall
acquire the same and pay them value thereof as provided under the bye-law
referred to above in the proportion mentioned in the nomination form. If no
proportion is mentioned in the nomination form, the payment shall be in equal
36. If, in the opinion of the Committee, there is only one heir / legal representative
of the deceased Member and if he demands payment of the value of the
shares and interest of the deceased Member in the capital/property of the
Society, the Society may acquire the same and pay him the value thereof as
provided under the bye-law No. 63 after obtaining the indemnity bond referred
to in the bye-law No. 34. If, in the opinion of the Committee, there are more
heirs/legal representatives than one and if they demand payment of the value
of Shares and interest of the deceased Member in the capital/property of the
Society, the Society may acquire the same and pay them value thereof in equal
proportion as provided under the bye-law No. 66, after obtaining the Indemnity
Bond referred to in the bye-law No. 35, from all the heirs/legal representatives
( H ) Transfer of Shares and interest in the Capital/Property of the Society
a. A Member, desiring to transfer his shares and interest in the
capital/property of the Society shall give 15 days' notice of his intention
to do so to the Secretary of the Society in the prescribed form, along with
the consent of the proposed transferee in the prescribed form.
b. On receipt of such notice, the Secretary of the Society shall place the
same before the meeting of the Committee, held next after the receipt of
the notice, pointing out whether the Member is prima-fascia eligible to
transfer his shares and interest in the capital/property of the Society, in
view of the provisions of Section 29(2)(a) of the Act.
c. In the event of ineligibility (in view of the provisions of section 29(2)(a) & (b)
of the act) of the Member to transfer his shares and interest in the
capital/property of the Society, the Committee shall direct the Secretary of
the Society to inform the Member accordingly within 8 days of the decision
of the Committee.
Payment of the
value of
Shares and
interest of
the deceased
Member in the
capital /
Payment of the value
of Shares and interest
of the deceased
Member in the capital /
property of the Society
to the heir / legal
Notice of transfer of
Shares and interest in
the capital/property of
the Society
d. "No Objection Certificate" of the Society is not required to transfer the
shares and interest of the transferor to transferee. However in case such a
certificate is required by the transferor or transferee, he shall apply to the
Society and Committee of the Society may consider such application on
merit, within one month.
e. The Transferor / Transferee shall submit following documents and fulfill
compliance as under:
i. application in the prescribed form, for transfer of his shares and interest
in the capital / property of the Society, along with the Share Certificate;
ii. application in the prescribed form for Membership of the proposed
Transferee ;
iii. resignation in the prescribed form Member / Transferor;
iv. Registered Agreement with Stamp Duty paid;
v. valid reasons for the proposed transfer;
vi. undertaking to discharge all the liabilities to the Society by Transferor;
vii. payment of the transfer fee of Rs. 500/-
viii. remittance of entrance fee of Rs. 100/- payable by the proposed
ix. payment of amount of premium at the rate to be fixed by the General
Body Meeting but within the limits as prescribed under the circular,
issued by the Department of Co-operation / Government of
Maharashtra, from time to time. No additional amount towards donation
or contribution to any other funds or under any other pretext shall be
recovered from transferor or transferee.
x. submission of 'No Objection Certificate’, required under any law for the
time being in force or order or sanction issued by the Government, any
financing agency or any other authority;
xi. the undertaking / declaration in compliance with the provisions of any
law for the time being in force, in such form as is prescribed under
these bye-laws.
Note : The condition at sr. no. (ix) above shall not apply to transfers of shares and interest, of the
transferor in the capital / property of the Society to the Member of his family or to his nominee
or his heir / legal representative after his death and in case of mutual exchange of flats
amongst the Members.
a. The procedure for disposal of applications for transfers of shares
and/ or interest of Members in the capital/property of the Society as
laid down under the bye-law No. 62 shall be followed by the Secretary
and the Committee of the Society.
b. A meeting of the Committee or the General Body, as the case may
be, shall not refuse any application for admission to Membership of
transfer of shares and interest in the capital/property of the Society
except on the ground of noncompliance
of the provisions of the Act,
the Rules and the Bye-laws of the Society or any other law or order
issued by the Government in exercise of the statutory powers vested
in it.
Disposal of transfer
Committee / General
Body not to ordinarily
refuse any application
for Membership or
transfer of Shares
c. If the decision of the Committee/General Body meeting as the case
may be, on the application for transfer of Shares and/or interest in the
capital/ property of the Society is not communicated to the applicant
within three months of its receipt, the transfer application shall be
deemed to have been accepted and the transferee shall be deemed to
have been admitted as a Member of the Society as provided under
Section 22(2) of the Act.
d. Any transfer made in contravention of the Act, Rules or the Bye-laws
shall be void and not effective against the Society
39. The Transferee shall be eligible to exercise the rights of Membership on receipt
of the letter in the prescribed form from the Society or order under section 22 or
23 of the Act from the Registrar; subject to the provisions of the MCS Act 1960,
Rules and Bye-laws.
( I ) Exchange of Flats
40. The Members, desiring to exchange their flats, shall make a joint application to
the Secretary of the Society, containing the following details:
a. The names of the Members concerned;
b. The distinctive numbers of their respective flats;
c. The carpet areas (in sq. metres), of their respective flats;
d. The building number/numbers or name/names of the building/buildings in
which the respective flats are situated;
e. The reasons for exchange of flats.
41. The procedure for disposal of applications for exchanges of flats as indicated in
the bye-law No. 62 shall be followed by the Secretary and the Committee of the
( J ) Sub-letting etc. of Flats
42. (1) A member shall intimate to the society, of subletting his flat or giving on
leave and license basis or care taker basis or parting with its possession in any
other manner, however the member shall submit a copy of leave and license
agreement and copy of intimation report to the police station.
(2) No permission of the Society is required to sublet the flat / shop. However the
intimation needs to be given to the society 8 days before such subletting.
43. No Member of the Society shall assign, mortgage or create any charge on his
occupancy right in the flat without the previous permission in writing of the
Provided that such permission of the Society will not be required for
assigning, mortgaging or creating any charge on the occupancy right in the
flat for the purpose of obtaining loan, either for purchase of the flat or for
liquidating the liability incurred by him for the said purpose by way of loan or
advance from the employer or the Member or from the Life Insurance
Corporation of India or from a Bank or the Society or any other agency
approved by the Commissioner for Co-operation and Registrar, C.S.M.S.
Deemed to have
been Admitted
-if not
within three
transfer void.
Rights of
when to be
by the transferee.
Application for
of flats by the
Members of the
Disposal of
for exchanges of
flats by Members.
Sub-letting etc. not
permissible except
under the Society's
Application for
permission to sublet
Restrictions on
assignment of
occupancy right in
the flat.
( A ) Maintenance of Flats by Members Flats to be maintained
44. Every Member shall keep his flat / unit in good maintenance.
a. No Member shall, without the previous permission of the Committee in
writing, make any additions to or alterations in his flat.
b. The Member, desirous of making any additions to or alterations in his flat
shall make an application to the Secretary of the Society, giving all the
required particulars. Further action on such application shall be taken by the
Secretary and the Committee of the Society as provided under the bye-law
No. 65.
c. No structural changes are permissible, without the prior permission of the
concerned competent authority.
a. For facilitating discharge of functions mentioned under the bye-law No. 156
by the Committee, every Member shall allow the Secretary of the Society,
accompanied by any other Member of the Committee, to enter upon his flat
with prior intimation to the Member, to examine its condition for ascertaining
the repairs, if any, necessary. The Secretary of the Society shall make a
report to the Committee, indicating therein the particulars of the repairs to
be carried out by the Society at its cost and those by the Members at their
b. On receipt of such report, the committee shall ascertain the cost involved in
the repairs, which are required to be carried out by the Society at its cost as
provided under the bye-law No. 160(a) and cause the notice to be served
on the Member for such period as the Committee thinks adequate, of its
intention to carry out the repairs and there-upon the Member concerned
shall allow the workmen engaged by the Society directly or through its
architect, access to his flat for carrying out the repairs. If the Member
concerned fails to give access to his flat, without reasonable and convincing
reasons, the Secretary of the Society shall have authority to enter upon the
flat and carry out the work under the Supervision of the Member of the
Committee duly authorised by it in that behalf or the architect appointed by
the Society.
c. In respect of the repairs to be carried out by the Member at his cost, the
Committee shall cause the notice to be served on the Member, indicating
therein, the particulars of repairs necessary at his flat and calling upon him
to carry out the repairs to his flat to the satisfaction of the architect approved
by the Society, if any, at his cost, within such period as the Committee may
allow. On his failure to comply with the notice, the Secretary of the Society
or the architect appointed by the Society shall have authority to enter upon
the flat and cause the repairs to be carried out after giving due notice
to the Member concerned. The amount spent by the Society on such
repairs shall be recoverable from the Member concerned.
47. No Member, without the previous permission of the Committee, in writing shall
stock or store any kind of goods or materials, which are combustible obnoxious
or other goods, for the storing of which requires permit / sanction of the
competent authority under any law relating thereto.
Additions and
in a flat
permissible with
the Committee's
Application for
permission for
Making additions
and alterations
in a flat
Examination of
flats and report
about Repairs to
Notice to the Member
about carrying out
repairs in his flat by the
Society at its cost.
Notice to the
Memberfor carrying
out repairs to his flat
at his cost.
Restrictions on storing
of certain goods.
a. No Member shall do or suffer anything to be done in his fiat which may cause
nuisance, annoyance or inconvenience to any of the Members of the Society
or carry on practices which may be repugnant to the general decency or
morals of the Members of the Society.
b. It shall be competent for the Committee either sou-moto or on receipt of the
complaint from any Member, to take steps to stop all such practices referred
to in the bye-law No. 47(a) forthwith.
( B ) Expulsion of a Member
48. A Member may be expelled from the. Membership of the Society, if such a
a. has persistently failed to pay the charges due to the Society,
b. has willfully deceived the Society by giving false information,
c. has used his flat for immoral purposes or misused it for illegal purposes
d. has been in the habit of committing breaches of any of the provisions of
the byelaws of the Society, which, in the opinion of the Committee, . are of
serious nature,
e. has furnished false information or omitted to furnish the material
information to the Registering Authority at the time of registration of the
f. A Non-Active Member who does not attend at least one meeting of the
general body in next five years from the date of classification as Non-
Active Member
a. The cases of expulsion from the Membership of the Society shall be dealt
with in the manner provided under Section 35 of the Act, read with Rule 28
and 29 of MSCS Rules.
b. Expulsion from Membership may involve forfeiture of the shares held by the
Member. Where the Committee decides that expulsions from Membership
should also involve forfeiture of the shares, it shall make necessary
reference to the proposed forfeiture of the shares in the notice to be issued
under Rule 29 of the Rules.
50. The Member, duly expelled from Membership of the Society, shall cease to be
the Member of the Society, with effect from the date on which the resolution of
expulsion from the Membership of the Society is approved by the Registering
Authority'. The forfeiture of shares may take effect simultaneously with
expulsion. Handing over vacant possession of the flat by the expelled Member.
51. The Member, who has been duly expelled from the Membership of the Society,
shall not be entitled to continue in occupation of his flat and he shall arrange to
hand over peaceful and vacant possession of his flat to the Secretary of the
Society, within such period as the Committee may allow. On his failure to do so,
he shall be liable to be evicted from his flat. Acquisition of the Shares and
interest of the expelled Member.
52. If the meeting of the general body of the Society has decided not to forfeit the
shares, the interest of the expelled Member in the capital/property of the
Society and the value thereof shall be acquired by the Society and the value
thereof shall be paid to the expelled Member, within 3 months of his handing
over possession of his flat or his eviction from it, after following the procedure
Not to do
anything causing
to other
Committee to
take action on
Grounds on
which a
Member could be
Procedure for
of a Member.
Effect of expulsion
Membership of the
as laid down under the bye-law No. 66 in respect of payment of the value of the
shares and interest in the capital/property of the Society acquired by the
53. No Member of the Society, who has been expelled from its Membership, shall
be eligible for readmission to Membership in the Society, until expiry of the
period of one year from the date of his expulsion, provided that on the
recommendations of the meetings of the general body of the Society, the
expelled Member may be re admitted to its Membership, as a special case
before the expiry of the period of one year, with the prior permission of the
Registering Authority.
( C ) Cessation of Membership
54. The person shall cease to be the Member of the Society:
a. On his resignation from Membership of the Society having been accepted
by the committee.
b. On transfer of all his shares and interest in the capital/property of the
c. On his death.
d. On his expulsion from the Membership of the Society.
e. On being adjudged as an insolvent or legally disabled from continuing as
f. If the whereabouts of the Member are not known for continuous seven
years and if his shares & interest in the property/capital of the Society is not
claimed by anybody else.
g. On cessation of right/title & interest of a Member in the property of the
Society, by way of legal attachment or sale.
h. Any transfer if void as provided under bye law number 38 (d)
The Committee shall take further action in the matter as indicated in the
bye-law No.61.
55. The person shall cease to be the Associate Member of the Society, when the
Member, whose name stands first, ceases to be the Member of the Society or
on the death of the Associate Member or on the acceptance of the resignation
of the Associate Member by the Committee,
However the associate member shall not cease to be Associate Member when
the First Member ceases to be the member of the society if Associate Member
holds title and interest in the property jointly with the member.
The Committee shall take further action in the matter as indicated in the Bye-law
No. 61.
56. If there is a Nominal Member, occupying the flat on behalf of the firm, company
or any other body corporate he shall cease to be as such Member of the
Society :
a. On his death.
b. On the acceptance of his resignation by the Committee.
c. On cessation of Membership of the original Member on whose behalf he
occupies the flat in the Society.
d. On cessation of his nomination on account of expulsion of the original
e. On intimation from the original Member of termination of the occupants
under which a
person ceases to
be a Member
Eligibility of
the expelled
Member for
under which
the person
occupying the
flat onbehalf of
the firm /
ceases tobe
the nominal
under which the
person shall cease
to be Associate
The Committee shall take further action in the matter as indicated in the bye-law
57. The Nominal Member, who is the sublettee, licensee or care-taker or possessor
in any other manner of the flat or the part thereof shall cease to be as such
Member of the Society:
a. On his death.
b. On his resignation having been accepted by the Committee.
c. On the cessation of the Membership of the original Member.
d. On the expiry of the period for which the flat or part thereof was permitted to
be sub-let, given on leave and license or care-taker basis or occupied in
any other manner.
Note : The words 'original Member' used in the bye-laws Nos. 54, 55, 56 and 57
mean the Member, with whom the Associate Member/s hold the shares of
the Society jointly, the Firm, the Company or any other Body Corporate,
on whose behalf the nominal Member occupies fiat in the Society's
building or the Member who has been permitted to sub-let, give on leave
and license or care-taker basis his flat or part thereof or part with its
possession in any other manner. The Committee shall take further action
in the matter as indicated in the bye-law No. 58.
58. The Committee shall record the facts of cessation of Members Membership of
the Society under the bye-law No. 54 and of Associate and Nominal Member's
Membership respectively under the bye-laws Nos. 55, 56 and 57, in the Minutes
of its Meetings and accordingly the Secretary of the Society shall inform the
concerned Members in writing within 7 days of the dates of such decision of the
( D ) Restrictions on Holding more than One Flat
59. Individual Member of the Society may hold more than one flat, in the building/s
of the Society in his name or in the name of any of the Members of his family
subject to the conditions as provided under the provisions of Section 6 of the
( E ) Liabilities of a Member and the Past Member
60. The liability of a Member of the Society shall be limited to his shares-holding in
the Society.
61. The liability of the past Members of the Society for the debts of the Society, as
they stood on the date of the cessation of his Membership and the liability of the
estate of the. deceased Member of the Society for the debts of the Society as
they stood on the date of his death shall continue for the period of 2 years from
the date of his cessation or death respectively as per the provisions of Section
33(1) of the Act.
( F ) Other Matters
a. All the applications for (i) admission to Membership of the Society, including
associate and nominal Membership, (ii) approval to the transfers of Shares
and interest in the capital/property of the Society, (iii) intimation for subletting
under which a
Sub lettee,
ceases to be the
nominal Member
Action by the
on cases of
cessation of
of the Society
Holding of multiple
by Member.
Liability limited
to unpaid
amount on
Liability of the
or giving flats or parts thereof on leave and license or care-taker basis, (iv)
permission for additions and alterations in flats, (v) allotment of parking
spaces and stilts (vi)permission for exchange of flats (vii) permission for
holding, additional flats, (viii)permission for assigning, mortgaging or creating
charge or interest in fiats, (ix) permission for use of terrace, and (x)
complaint application of the members (xi) for any other purpose provided
under the byelaws but not specifically mentioned above, shall be addressed
to the Secretary of the Society. Every application received by the Secretary
shall be acknowledged by him.
b. On receipt of the applications, the Secretary of the Society shall scrutinize
them and bring any short-coming therein to the notice of the Members
concerned within 15 days of their receipt for compliance;
c. The Secretary shall place all the applications, complete in all respects, or
incomplete, before the meeting of the Committee or the general body, as the
case may be, held next after receipt of the applications;
d. The Committee or the General Body, as the case may be, shall consider all
such applications at its meetings and take decisions thereon; .
e. The Committee shall ensure that all the applications received by the
Secretary of the Society are disposed off within the maximum period of 3
months from the dates of their receipt; except application for subletting.
f. If the Committee or the General Body, as the case may be, rejects any
applications, it shall record, in the minutes of its meetings, the reasons for
rejection of the applications;
g. The Secretary of the Society shall communicate the decisions of the
Committee or the General Body, as the case may be, to the applicants
concerned within 15 days of the decisions of the Committee or the General
Body, as the case may be, with reasons, where the applications are rejected
by the Committee or the General Body, as the case may be, If the Society
does not communicate the decision to the applicant within three months from
the date of receipt of application for Membership; including nominal or
associate Membership, the applicant shall be deemed to have been admitted
as a Member as provided under Section 22(2) of the Act.
63. Wherever the question of payment of the value of the shares and the interest of
any Member of the Society, in its capital/property, as the result of acquisition of
the same by the Society arises, the following procedure shall be followed :
a. The value of Shares or interest in the share capital of the society shall be
decided in accordance with the provisions of Section 29 read with Rule 23
of the MSCS Rules,
b. The interest of the expelled Member in the property/capital of the Society,
shall be valued by the Government approved valuer.
c. Within one month of the date of demand for payment of the value of the
shares and interest in the capital/property of the Society, or acquisition of
the same by the Society, the Committee shall, by publication of the notice in
at least two widely circulated news papers and exhibition thereof on the
notice board of the Society, invite offers for price proposed to be paid for
acquiring interest in the flat, within such period as is mentioned in the
d. On receipt-of the offers, the Committee, in its meeting, shall scrutinize the
same and decide to accept the offer which is the highest, which shall not be
less than the approved value as determined in (ii) above.
e. The Committee shall then advise the person, offering the highest price, to
make an application for Membership of the Society, in the prescribed form
along with a demand draft for the price offered, value of 5 Shares of the
Society and the entrance fee of Rs. 100/-.
f. On realisation of the demand draft and within one month of the admission of
the said person to Membership of the Society, the Committee shall arrange
to pay the value of the interest in the flat realised by the Society,
i. To the Member whose resignation has been accepted by the
Committee, or
ii. To the nominee/s legal heir/s of the deceased Member who demanded
payment of the value of the Shares and the interest in the capital or
property of the Society or
iii. To the expelled Member Together with the value of the shares as
determined under (i) above and after deducting the following
a. outstanding amounts, if any, due from such Member.
b. the entire expenses of the publication of the notice.
c. Expenses incurred for the disposal of the interest of the Member in
the property/capital of the Society. The payment shall be made in
the manner provided under the bye-laws Nos. 36, 37 and 55 to the
nominee/nominees or heir/heirs, respectively.
64. The contribution to be collected from the Members of the Society, towards
outgoing and establishment of its funds, referred to in these bye-laws as 'the
charges' may be in relation to the following : (i) Property Taxes, (ii) Water
Charges, (iii) Common Electricity Charges, (iv) Contribution to Repairs and
Maintenance Fund, (v) Expenses on repairs and maintenance of the lifts of the
Society, including charges for running the lift. (vi) Contribution to the Sinking
Fund, (vii) Service Charges, (Viii) Car Parking Charges, (ix) Interest on the
defaulted charges, (x) Repayment of the installment of the loan and interest, (xi)
Non-occupancy Charges, (xii) Insurance Charges, (xiii) Lease rent, (xiv) Nonagricultural
tax. (xv) Education and Training Fund (xvi) Election Fund (xvii) Any
Other Charges.
65. The Service charges of the Society referred to at 64 (vii) above shall include the
a. Salaries of the office staff, liftmen, watchmen, malis and any other
employees of the Society.
b. Where the Society has independent Office, the property taxes, electricity
charges, water charges etc. for the same.
c. Printing, Stationery and Postage,
d. Travelling Allowance and conveyance charges to the staff and the Members
of the Committee of the Society.
e. Sitting fees paid to the Members of the Committee of the Society,
f. Subscription to the Education Fund of the Maharashtra Rajya Sahakari
Sangh Ltd.
g. Annual Subscription of the Housing Federation and any other co-operative
institution to which the Society is affiliated.
h. Entrance fees for affiliation to the Housing Federation and any other
cooperative institution.
i. Audit Fees for internal, Statutory and reaudit, if any.
j. Expenses incurred at meetings of the general body, the Committee an the
Sub-Committee, if any
Composition of
Charges of the
Break-up of
of the Society.
k. Retainer fees, legal charges, statutory enquiry fees.
l. Common electricity charges.
m. Any other charges approved by the General Body at its Meeting. However
such charges should not contradict the provisions of the Act, Rules and
Bye-laws of the Society.
a. The Committee shall apportion the Share of each Member towards the
charges of the Society on the following basis:
i. Property taxes : As fixed by the Local Authority
ii. Water Charges : On the basis of total number and size of inlets
provided in each flat.
iii. Expenses on repairs and maintenance of the building/buildings of the
Society : At the rate fixed at the general body from time to time,
subject to the minimum of 0.75 percent per annum, of the construction
cost of each flat for meeting expenses of normal recurring repairs.
iv. Expenses on repairs and maintenance of the lift, including charges for
running the lift : Equally by all the Members of the building in which lift
is provided, irrespective of the fact whether they use the lift or not.
v. Sinking Fund : As provided under the bye-law No. 13(c).
vi. Service Charges: Equally divided by number of flats / units.
vii. Parking Charges : At the rate fixed by the General Body of the Society
at its meeting under the bye-law No. 84/85.
viii. Interest on the delayed payment of Charges : At the rate fixed under the
bye-law No. 72 to be recovered from the defaulter Member.
ix. Repayment of the installment of the loan and interest : The amount of
each - installment with interest fixed by the financing agency.
x. Non-occupancy charges : At the rate fixed under the byê-law No.
xi. Insurance Charges : The built up areas of each flat, provided that if
there is increase in the insurance premium due to storing any specific
goods in any flat, used for commercial purposes, the extra burden of
insurance premium shall be shared by those who are responsible for
such increased premium in proportion of the built up areas to their flats.
xii. Lease Rent : The built up area of each flat / unit.
xiii. Non-Agricultural tax : The built up area of each flat / unit
xiv. Education & Training Fund : Rs. 10 per Flat/unit per month.
xv. Election Fund : Equally by the Members and as prescribed by
the Election Authority in the Rules
xvi. Any other charges : As may be decided by the General Body
Meeting of the Society
b. The Committee shall fix in respect of every flat the Society charges on the
basis laid as down under the bye-law No, 66 (a).
67. The following repairs and maintenance of the property of the Society shall be
carried out by the Society at its costs:
a. ( i ) All internal roads, (ii) Compound walls, (iii) External water pipe lines, (iv)
Water pumps,(v) Water storage tanks, (vi) Drainage lines, (vii) Septic tanks,
(viii) Stair cases, (ix) Terrace and parapet walls, (x) Structural repairs of roofs
of all flats, (xi) Stair-case lights, (xii) Street lights, (xiii) External walls of the
building/ buildings, (xiv) All leakages of water including leakages due to rain
water, and leakages due to external common pipe line and drainage line,
(xv) Electric lines upto main switches in the flats (xvi) Lifts, (xvii) The
damaged ceiling and plaster thereon in the top floor flats, on account of the
leakage of the rain water through the terrace.(xviii) Generators,(xvix)
Sharing of the
Society's Charges
by the Members. at
its meeting.
Committee to fix
Society's Charges
in respect of every
Security Appliances (CCTV, Intercom, Group Mobile, Mass Data Sharing
Devices, Siren Bell) (xx) Rain Water Harvesting,(xxi) Sewerage, Storm water
Drain & Water Treatment Plant (xxii) Common areas not specifically allotted
,Swimming Pool, Gym, Sauna Bath, Coffee House (xxiii) Common Parking
Space (xxiv) Solar and alternate energy devices. (xxv) Garden (xxvi)
Community hall
b. All the repairs, not covered by the byelaw
No. 158(a) shall be carried out
by the Members at their cost. The expenditure of the internal leakage due to
toilet, sink etc. should be borne by concerned flat holders, with intimation to
the Society.
68. The Secretary of the Society, shall prepare bill/demand notice in respect of the
charges of the Society payable by Members on the basis of the bye-law No. 70
(a) and issue the same to all the Members on or before the date fixed by the
Committee in that behalf. Every Member of the Society shall pay the amount
mentioned in the bill /demand notice in full within such period as may be fixed
by the Committee.
a. A Member shall be deemed to have committed default in payment of the
charges of the Society, if the payment mentioned in the demand notice/bill is
not made within the period as prescribed under Section 73CA of the Act. The
Secretary of the Society shall bring the cases of defaults in payment of the
Society's charges to the notice of the Committee for taking further necessary
b. In case of default by Member in payment of maintenance and service
charges, the committee shall initiate a recovery proceeding under section 101
of the Act.
70. A Member shall be required to pay simple interest at twenty one percent per
annum, or, at such lower rate as may be fixed by the General Body, on the
outstanding dues to the Society, from the date the amount was due as
prescribed under Bye-law no. 69, till full and final payment by the Member
71. The registration of the Society shall render it a body corporate by the name
under which it is registered, with perpetual succession and common seal and
with power to acquire, hold and dispose of the property, to enter into contracts
and other legal proceedings and to do all such things as are necessary for the
purpose for which it is constituted.
72. The Common Seal of the Society shall be in the custody of the Secretary of the
Society and shall be used under the authority by means of a resolution of the
Committee on the Deeds of conveyance, share certificate or any other
documents, to which the seal is affixed on behalf of the Society, shall be
attested by the Chairman, the Secretary and one Member of the Committee,
authorised by the Committee in that behalf along with their name and
Payment of the
Society's Charges.
Review of
payment defaults
cases of
Society charges.
Common Seal.
73. The Society shall have a charge on the shares and/or interest of a Member,
present or past, in the capital/property of the Society and upon any dividend,
bonus or profits, payable to a Member in respect of any charges due from
such Member or past Member to the Society and may set off any sum
credited by or payable to a Member, in or towards there payment of such
charges, as provided under Section 46 of the Act.
a. The Member, person/firm who had purchased the flat under an agreement
under Section 4 of the Ownership Flats Act, or acquired interest in the flat on
transfer of the same by existing Member with previous permission of the
Society, shall be deemed to have been allotted the same flat by the Society
subject to the terms and conditions set out in the letter of allotment in the
prescribed form, including subsequent modifications made by the Society
b. The allotment of flats in the building/buildings of the Society shall be made
to its Members on the basis of (i) the first come first served, (ii) full
payment of the demands, made by the Society from time to time or (iii) by
drawing lots as may be decided by the General Body Meeting. The Secretary
of the Society shall issue letters of allotment of flats in the prescribed form to
the respective Members and obtain confirmation letters from them
c. Where any Member fails to pay any calls made by the Society under the
bye-law No. 74(a), within the time allowed to him by the committee the
allotment of flat made in his favour, shall stand cancelled and the Secretary
of the Society, under instructions from the Committee, shall inform the
Member accordingly. Where such cancellation has been made, the flat may
be allotted to other applicant approved by .the committee, if a Member,
whose allotment is cancelled, makes payment of the calls and Committee at
its meeting may consider the matter regarding re allotment of any other flat
to him if it is available for allotment
d. No Member shall be eligible to get possession of the flat allotted to him
unless he has made full payment towards shares, cost of construction,
repayment of the loan instalments, which have fallen due and/or any other
charges demanded by the Society, under these bye-laws.
e. No Member of the Society shall use the flat / unit deemed to have been
allotted to him under (a) above, for a purpose other than that mentioned
in the letter of allotment, without the previous consent in writing of the
a. The Society shall cause to undertake the Structural Audit of the building as
i. for buildings aged between 15 to 30 years.. .. once in 5 years
ii. for buildings aged more than 30 years .. .. .. once in 3 years
b. Such Structural Audit by Societies which are in Municipal Corporations
limits shall be conducted by approved Engineers from the Corporations
panel. In case of other Societies such structural audit shall be carried by the
Govt. Approved Structural Engineers / Architect, and maintain record
c. The Society shall undertake to carry out periodical Fire Audit of its property
as per the State Fire Policy, and maintain record thereof
d. The Society shall carry out periodical Inspection of Lifts / Elevators and
maintain record thereof
Handing over
possession of
Policy for allotment
of flats
Change of user not
permissible without
the sanction of the
purchased is
deemed to
have been
Charge and set off
in respect of
Shares and
interest of a
Member of the
Society to carry out
Structural Audit.
of allotment
of flats.
76. The committee shall, after getting occupation or completion certificate from
the local authority, scrutinize the allotment register from time to time and issue
instructions to the Secretary of the Society to hand over possession of flats to
the respective Members who have complied with the provisions of the bye-law
no. 17 / 19.
a. The Society shall in the General Body meeting frame and adopt Parking
Rules to regulate the Parking slots, in accordance with the Act and Rules
there under
b. The allotment of Parking Space shall be made by the Committee on the
basis of "First Come First Served", for available parking slots However the
Member shall have no right to sell or transfer the Parking Slot allotted by the
c. No Member shall be entitled to utilize more parking slots than that officially
allotted to him by the Society
78. Where any parking slots have been built or open space in the Society's
compound is available for parking of cars, the Society shall number and
demarcate the stilts and / or the open space in such a way that no
inconvenience would be caused to any of the Members of the Society. The
Committee shall ensure that the space is used by the Members for the purpose
for which it is allotted to them.
79. A Member having a vehicle will be eligible to have parking slot. Normally no
Member shall be eligible for being allotted more than one parking slot. The
vehicles may be owned by him or allotted to him by his employer, or the firm of
which he is the partner or the company of which he is the director. If any
parking slots remain unallotted for want of applicants, additional parking slots
may be allotted to such Members who already have a slot allotted to them in
normal course. Such allotment of additional parking slots shall be made on year
to year basis, provided the same are not required by other Members, who have
not been allotted even a single parking slot.
80. In case the number of eligible Members for parking slots is in excess of the
available parking slots, then the Managing Committee shall allot parking slots
on annual basis by fair and transparent process, in concurrence with the
General Body regulations.
81. The Member, desiring to have parking slot, may make an application to the
Secretary of the Society giving necessary details. The procedure laid down
under the bye-law No. 64 for disposal of applications, shall be followed by the
Secretary and the Committee of the Society.
82. Every Member shall pay the for parking charges for the number of slots allotted
to him / her at such rate as may be decided by the General Body of the Society
at its meeting, irrespective of the fact whether he actually parks his vehicle or
83. Every Member, having a scooter, a motor cycle, or an autorickshaw shall obtain
prior permission of the Committee for parking his vehicle in the compound of
the Society and pay the charges fixed by the General Body of the Society at its
To obtain
of possession from
the allottee
Policy for allotment
of parking slots
Marking of
parking slots
Restriction on
parking slots
Eligibility for
allotment of
parking slots.
Applications for
allotment of
parking slot.
Payment of
charges for
parking of
Parking of other
( A ) First General Meeting
84. The First General Body meeting of the Promoters, who have signed the
Application for Registration of the Society, shall be held within the period
of three months of the date of the registration of the Society, as provided
under Rule 59 of the Rules. It shall be the responsibility of the Chief
Promoter Society to convene First General Body meeting within the stipulated
85. On failure of the Chief Promoter of the Society to hold the First General
Body meeting within the period mentioned in bye-law no 86, the
Registering Authority shall cause it to be convened.
86. Clear fourteen days Notice of the First General Body Meeting of the
Society shall be given by the Chief Promoter of the Society or as the case
may be, by the Officer Authorized by the Registering Authority, to all the
promoters, who have signed the application for Registration of the Society.
a. At the First General Body Meeting of the Society, the following
business shall be transacted :
i. Election of a President for the meeting,
ii. Admission of new Members (other than the promoters) who have
applied for Membership of the Society.
iii. Receiving and Approving the Statement of Accounts, as prepared by
the Chief Promoter of the Society, as on fourteen days prior to the
date of the First General Meeting of the Society ( ie: as on the Date of
Notice ).
iv. Constitution of a Provisional Committee until regular elections are held
under bye-laws of the Society. The Provisional Committee shall have
the all powers and functions as that of the Committee elected in
accordance with the Act, Rules & Bye-laws.
v. Fixing the limit up to which funds may be borrowed.
vi. Authorising the Committee to secure conveyance of the right, title and
interest in the property in the name of the Society, from the Promoter
vii. Appoint internal Auditor of the Society for the year, if necessary and fix
his remuneration.
viii. Authorise One of the Members of the Provisional Committee to call
the first meeting of the Provisional Committee,
ix. Consider affiliation of the Society as Member of the Housing
Federation of the District and other institutions mentioned in bye-law
no. 6,
x. Consider any other matter to be brought before the meeting with the
permission of the Chair, excepting those requiring proper notice.
xi. To review and approve the Report of the Chief Promoter of the
Society regarding the work done and proposed to be done with
reference to the financial and physical aspects of the scheme of
Holding of the first
General Meeting within
the stipulated period.
Calling the first general
meeting by the
Registering Authority.
Period of notice for the
first general meeting
Functions of the first
General Meeting
xii. To confirm the agreement for purchase of the plot/building for the
Society entered into by the Chief Promoter of the Society with the
xiii. To approve the site plan and the scheme of construction.
xiv. To confirm the appointment of Architect of the Society made by the
Chief Promoter of the Society or to appoint an Architect if no such
appointment is made by the Chief Promoter of the Society or -to
appoint a new architect in place of the one already appointed.
b. Where the First General Meeting fails to elect a Provisional Committee, the
Registering Authority shall be competent to Nominate such a Committee,
including the Chairman and the Secretary of the Society for a period of one
88. The person, who presides over the First General Meeting shall record the
Minutes of the Meeting, sign them and hand them over to the Secretary of the
Society elected at the first meeting of the Provisional Committee or nominated
by the Registration Authority under the bye-law no. 87(b).
89. The Chief Promoter of the Society shall, immediately after election of the
Office Bearers of the Society, at the first meeting of the Provisional Committee
or its nomination by the Registering Authority under the bye-law no. 87(b), hand
over to the Chairman of the Society or any Member of the Provisional
Committee authorised by it on that behalf :-
a. all records of the Society, particularly the copy of the application for
registration of the Society, received back from the Registering Authority,
b. the copy of the by-laws of the Society registered by the Registering
c. the certificate of registration of the Society,
d. the challans for amounts credited into the bank,
e. the counterfoils of the used cheques and the unused cheques, forms
f. the bank pass books,
g. the copies of all the agreements entered into by him with different parties,
h. the statement of accounts as prepared by him,
i. the applications for Membership,
j. the statement of information of the promoters,
k. the vouchers for amounts expended,
l. the cash balance, if any,
m. the site plan/ the scheme of construction (for plot purchase type)
n. the minutes of the first general meeting of the Society,
o. the files of the correspondence with the Registering Authority, the Local
p. and all such other records, also in digital form and assets of the Society
as are in his possession, not withholding anything with him.
q. prepare a documents handover report
90. The Provisional Committee or the Nominated Committee shall have the all
powers and functions as the committee duly elected in accordance with the Act,
Rules & Bye-laws of the Society.
91. The Provisional Committee or the Nominated Committee shall be in office for a
period of one year or until the regular elections are held under the Bye-laws of
the Society.
92. The Chairman of the Provisional Committee or the Nominated Committee shall
handover charge of all the assets and documents & papers of the Society to
the' Chairman of the newly elected Committee at the time of its first meeting,
Nomination of a
committee by the
Recording of
minutes at the first
General Mmeeting.
Handing over
records by the
Chief Promoter of
Powers of the
Handing over
charge by the
leaving nothing with him/them including the record mentioned under bye-law
no. 89.
( B ) Annual General Body Meetings
a. The Annual General Body Meeting of the Society shall be held on or before
30th September each year as provided under Section 75(1) of the Act. (as
there is no provision for extension of time to hold AGBM )
b. In case of default in calling the Annual General Body Meeting as stipulated
in bye-law 93(a) above, shall attract disqualification and action as provided
under section 75(5) of the Act.
94. The Annual General Body Meeting of the Society shall transact the following
business :
a. to read the minutes of the last annual General Body Meeting of the Society
and the Special General Body Meeting of the Society, if any, and to note the
action taken thereon,
b. to receive from the committee, the Annual Report of its activities on the
preceding co-operative years working, together with the statement of
accounts in form 'N' prescribed under Rule 62(1) of the Rules, showing the
Income And Expenditure during the preceding cooperative year and the
Balance Sheet as at the close of the preceding co-operative year.
c. to consider Audit Report, received from the Auditor appointed as provided in
section 75(2A) of the Act for the previous co-operative year ,
d. to receive from committee the Audit Rectification Report and Action taken
e. to place Annual Budget for the next Financial Year for consideration.
f. to appoint an Auditor, for the Audit, from the panel approved by State
g. to receive from the Committee the Annual Return as stipulated in section
75(2) & 95 (1b)
h. to consider any other matters, specifically requiring decisions, concurrence or
sanction of the General Body Meeting of the Society, by virtue of the
provisions in the Act, Rules and the Bye-laws of the Society,
i. to consider any important communications received from the Registering
Authority, the Statutory Auditor, Government, Collector, Local Authority or any
other Competent Authority.
j. to declare date and conduct of election of its Committee when due,
k. to consider any other matter, with the permission of the Chair, excepting
those requiring proper notice, after the regular agenda is over and which are
permitted under the provision of the Act, Rules & Bye-laws..
( C ) Special General Body Meetings
95. A Special General Body Meeting of the Society may be called at any time at the
instance of the Chairman or by the decision of the majority of the Committee
and shall be called within one month of the date of the receipt or requisition, in
writing signed by at least 1/5th of the Members of the Society or from the
Registering Authority or from the Housing Federation, to which the Society is
affiliated. The meeting so convened shall not transact any business, other than
that mentioned in the Notice of the Meeting, fixing date, time and place for a
Special General Body Meeting requisitioned.
Holding of AGM
When a special
general body
meeting should be
Functions of the
annual general body
meeting of the
96. The requisition for the special general body meeting of the Society, under the
bye-law no. 95 shall be placed within 7 days of its receipt, before the Meeting of
the Committee, by the Secretary of the Society, for fixing the date, time and
place for the Special General Body Meeting of the Society.
97. The committee shall decide the date, time and place of every General
Body Meeting of the Society and the business to be transacted thereat;
provided that the business to be transacted at the requisitioned Special General
Body Meeting shall be only that mentioned in the requisition. The notice
convening the General Body Meeting shall be issued by the Secretary of the
Society as provided in Bye-law no. 161. On his failure to issue the notice, the
Chairman shall issue it.
98. In case of the Annual General Body Meeting, 14 clear day's Notice and in
the case of the special general body meeting, 5 clear day's notice of the
meeting shall be given to all the Members of the Society, as provided under
Bye-law No. 161, under intimation to the Federation and to the Registering
Authority. In case of an emergency, the Special General Body Meeting may be
called even at a shorter notice, if the Committee unanimously decides to call
the Special General Body Meeting at a shorter notice. The Agenda of such
emergency meeting and the reasons of emergency for which the meeting is
called shall be communicated in writing to all the Members. Also the decision of
such meeting shall be communicated in writing to all the Members, within two
days of such meeting.
99. The quorum for every general body meeting of the Society shall be
2/3rd of the total number of Members of the Society or 20, whichever is less.
100. If within half an hour after the time appointed for general body meeting of
the Society, there is no quorum, the meeting, if convened upon the requisition
of the Members, shall be dissolved. In any other case, it shall be adjourned to a
later hour on the same day and at the same place, as may have been specified
in the notice, calling the general body meeting of the Society or to a subsequent
date, not earlier than 7 days and not later than 30 days and at such adjourned
general body meeting, the business on the agenda of the original general body
meeting shall be transacted, whether there is requisite quorum or not.


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