101.If all the business on the agenda of the General Body Meeting of the Society
cannot be transacted on the day on which the General Body Meeting is
convened, the meeting shall be postponed to any other suitable date as may be
decided by the Members present at the meeting, however not later than 30
days from the date of the meeting.
102. The Chairman of the Society shall preside over all General Body Meetings
of the Society, in case if the Chairman is absent or if present and is unwilling to
preside, the Members present may elect a person from amongst themselves to
preside over the meeting.
103.No proxy or a holder of power of attorney or letter of authority shall be eligible
to attend a General Body Meeting of the Society on behalf of a Member of the
104.Voting right of a Member and the Associate Member of the Society shall be
regulated in accordance with the provisions of Section 27 of the Act.
105.At the General Body Meeting of the Society, every Active Member of the
Society and in his absence, his Associate Member shall have one vote only. In
Notice of a General
Body Meeting.
Period of notice of a
general body
Quorum for the General
Body Meeting.
Holding of the
adjourned General
Body Meeting.
Chairman of the
Society to
over all General
Body Meetings.
onattending a
generalbody meeting
by aproxy.
Voting right of a
One Member
One vote.
case of equality of votes, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting
106.Unless otherwise specifically provided under the Act, the Rules and the
Bye-laws of the Society, all questions at a General Body Meeting of the
Society shall be decided by a simple majority of Members present and
voting at the meeting.
107.The committee shall finalise the draft minutes of every general body meeting
of the Society within 3 months of the date of the meeting and circulate the draft
minutes amongst all the Members of the Society within 15 days of the meeting
of the Committee at which the draft minutes were finalised. The Members of
the Society may communicate to the Secretary of the Society, their
observations, if any, on the draft minutes, within 15 days of the date of their
circulation. The Committee, at its subsequent meeting, shall prepare the final
minutes of the general body meeting after taking into consideration the
observations, if any, made by the Members on the draft minutes and cause
them to be recorded in the minutes book, by the Secretary of the Society or any
other person authorised in that behalf.
108.No resolution can be brought at a General Body Meeting of the Society,
cancelling its previous resolution, unless six clear months have elapsed,
after passing of the previous resolution.
109.Subjects to the provisions of the Act, the Rules and the Bye-laws of the
Society, the final authority of the Society shall vest in its General Body
Meeting, summoned in such manner as is specified in these Bye-laws.
110.The Management of the affairs of the Society shall vest in the Committee
duly constituted in accordance with the provisions of the Act, the Rules and
the Bye-lawsof the Society.
111.Subject to the direction given or regulation made by a Meeting of The
General Body of the Society, the Committee shall exercise all powers,
expressly conferred on it and discharge all functions entrusted to it under the
bye-law No. 137.
112.A Banking Account shall be opened by the Society in the nearest State or
District Central Co-op Bank / a Scheduled Bank having awarded “ A “ Audit
Class in last three consecutive years, , Nationalised Bank, and in any other
mode permitted by general or special order of the State Government, as
provided under section 70 of the Act and the account shall be operated upon
and all acquaintances and discharges shall be signed by the Secretary jointly
with the Chairman or Treasurer.
113.The Committee shall consist of *11 / 13 / 15 / 17 / 19 Members of the Society.
This strength includes the reservation of seats as provided under section 73B
and 73C of the Act.
Note: *The strength of the managing committee and strength of the quorum for
conducting the meeting would be as under:-
How decisions shall
be taken.
Recording of the
minutes of the
general body
Cancellation of the
previous resolution of
the general body
General body
meeting to be the
supreme authority.
Management of the
Society to vest in the
Exercise of powers
by the Committee
Opening of
Account. and
Investment of
Strength of the
No of Members
of the Society
Strength of the Managing Committee
Quorum for
General Meeting *
Upto100 6 2 1 1 1 11 6
101 to 200 8 2 1 1 1 13 7
201 to 300 10 2 1 1 1 15 8
301 to 500 12 2 1 1 1 17 9
501 and above 14 2 1 1 1 19 10
*Quorum for the Meeting will be simple majority of the existing Committee
a. Election of all the Members of the Committee shall be held once in 5 years,
before the expiry of its term, in accordance with the provisions of Sec 73- CB
of the Act and the Rules / procedure framed there under. It shall be the duty
of the Committee to intimate to the State Election Authority for holding of its
election before expiry of its term. On failure the Committee Members shall
cease to hold office after expiry of its term, and attract action by the Registrar
under section 77 A.
b. The Committee of the Society may co-opt two “Expert Directors” relating to
the objects and activities under taken by the Society..The number of such
co-opted Members shall not exceed two in addition to the strength of the
committee as provided in bye-laws No. 113., such co-opted Members shall
not have the right to vote in any election of the Society in their capacity as
such Member or to be eligible to be elected as office bearers of the
c. The Committee of the Society may co-opt two “Functional Directors”, such
Members shall be excluded for the purposes of counting the total numbers of
the committee and shall have no right to vote.
d. In respect of housing society having contribution of the Government towards
its share capital, then the members of the committee shall include two
officers of the Government nominated by the State Government, which shall
be in addition to the number of members specified as above, and as
provided under section 73 AAA of the Act.
e. The Election of the Society shall be conducted by the State Cooperative
Election Authority under section 73CB
115. No Officer of the Society shall have any interest, directly or indirectly,
otherwise than as such officer: ( a ) In any contract made with the Society.( b )
In any property sold or purchased by the Society. ( c ) In any other transaction
of the Society, except as investment made in or loan taken from the Society for
provision of residential accommodation by the Society to any paid employee of
the Society.
116. No person shall be eligible for being elected as a Member of the Committee
or co-opted on it, if :
Election of the
Prohibition against
being interested in
the Society
a. he / she has been convicted of the offence, involving moral turpitude, unless
the period of six years has elapsed since his conviction ;
b. he / has defaults the payment of dues to the Society, within three months
from the date of service of notice in writing, served either by hand delivery or
by registered post, demanding the payment of dues ;
c. he /she has been held responsible under Section 79 / 88 / 147 of the Act or
has been held responsible for the payment of the costs of enquiry under
Section 85 of the Act ;
d. In case of an Associate Member, non-submission of the no-objection
certificate and undertaking, as prescribed under these bye-laws, by the
Member ;
e. he is not an Active Member ;
f. he has without previous permission in writing has sublet his flat or part thereof
or given it on leave and license or care taker basis or has parted with its
possession in any other manner or has sold his shares and interest in the
117.In a General Election of Members of the Committee of a Society, on the
election of two-thirds or more number of Members, the Returning Officer or any
other Officer or Authority conducting such election shall within seven days after
the declaration of results of the election of such Members, the committee has,
for whatever reason, has not been so far constituted, forward their names
together with their permanent addresses to the Registrar, who shall, within
fifteen days from the date of receipt thereof by him, publish or cause to be
published such names and addresses by affixing a notice on the Notice Board
or at any prominent place in his office; and upon Constitution of the Committee
such publication, the Committee of the Society shall be deemed to be duly
constituted. In determining two-thirds of the number of Members, a fraction
shall be ignored.
a. A person shall cease to be the Member of the Committee, if:
i. he has incurred any of the disqualifications mentioned under the byelaw
No. 116 or ;
ii. he has failed to attend any three consecutive monthly meetings of the
Committee, without leave of absence.
b. If a Member of the Committee attracts any of the disqualifications under
the bye-law no. 118 (1), the Committee shall record the fact in the minutes
of its meeting and the Secretary of the Society shall inform the Member
and Registrar accordingly. Such Member shall cease to be the Member of
Managing Committee on the order of the Registrar
119. No Member of the Committee shall be present at the consideration of any
matter, in which he is directly or indirectly interested.
120.The period of office of the Committee elected under the bye-law No. 114(a)
shall be for 5 years from the date of assuming the office.
a. The first meeting of the newly elected jointly with outgoing Committee shall be
held within 30 days from the date of constitution of the new committee as per
bye-law No. 117 and the provisions of Section 73AAA.
Cessation of a
Member of the
Intimation of
Cessation of
Membership of
the Committee.
Period of Office of
the elected
First Meeting of
new committee.
b. Subject to the provisions of the bye-law No. 121(a) the Secretary of the
outgoing Committee shall issue notice of the first meeting to the Members of
the newly elected Committee and the outgoing Committee thereof. On the
failure of the Secretary of the outgoing Committee to convene the joint
meeting, the Chairman of the outgoing Committee shall call it. On the failure
of both, the Registration Authority may call such a meeting.
122. All records of the Society shall be kept at its premises, convenient to
the secretary, with the approval of the Committee of the Society.
123. When the new Committee is elected, the Secretary of the outgoing
committee shall prepare the list of papers and property of the Society in his
custody and hand over the charge thereof to the outgoing Chairman. The
retiring Chairman shall hand over the charge of the office of the Committee
and all papers and property of the Society, in his possession to the Chairman
of the new Committee, as per provisions contained in Section 160 of the MCS
Act 1960.
Note : The word ‘Paper’ used in this bye–laws and any other bye-laws shall
mean all and / or any items mentioned in the bye-laws nos.141 and 142, and
data / information in digital form
a. Every Committee, at its first meeting, after its election shall elect
a Chairman, Secretary and Treasure from amongst the Members of the
b. The Officer of the Society shall hold office for the period of 5
years from the date on which he is elected to be the Chairman as the
case may be the Secretary and Treasurer but not beyond the expiry of
term of the Committee.
Provided that he shall cease to be the Officer, if the motion of No
Confidence is moved in the special meeting of the Committee called and
presided by the Registrar or such officer not below the rank of a Assistant
Registrar upon the notice given by 1/3rd Members of the Committee and
the motion of No confidence is passed by the 2/3rd Members present at
such meeting, who are entitled to vote at the election of such Chairman,
Secretary or Treasurer.
Provided further that another motion of No Confidence shall not be
brought against the Chairman or as the case may be the Secretary or
Treasurer of the Society unless the period of 6 months has elapsed from
the date of preceding motion of the No Confidence.
125.The Committee meeting shall be normally held in the premises of the Society.
The quorum for Committee Meeting shall be as mentioned in Bye-law No. 113.
It shall not be competent for the Committee to transact any business unless
there is the quorum at the time of consideration of every item on the agenda of
the meeting of the Committee.
a. The Committee shall meet as often as necessary but at least once in a
b. in case of emergency, the Committee may place a resolutions and get the
same passed by the Committee Members, however the same be placed
before the next subsequent meeting.
Custody of the records
of the Society.
outgoing Chairman to
handover charge to
new Chairman
At the first meeting
New Committee to
.Election New Office
Motion of no
confidence against
office bearers
127.The Committee may fill a casual vacancy on the Committee by nomination out
of a same class of Active Members in respect of which the casual vacancy has
arisen as per section 73 CB and as per the instruction issued by State Cooperative
Election Authority
128.The period of office of the co-opted Member of the Committee shall be
coterminous with tenure of Office of the Committee.
129.A Member of the Committee may, by a letter addressed to the Chairman
of the Society, resign his Membership of the committee. The resignation
shall be effective from the date it is accepted by the Committee or on
expiry or the period of one month from the date of the receipt of the letter
or resignation by the Chairman or the Secretary of the Society, whichever is
a. The Chairman of the Society may resign his office as Chairman by a
letter addressed to the Secretary of the Society;
b. The Secretary or Treasurer of the Society may resign his office as
Secretary or Treasurer by a letter addressed to the Chairman of the Society.
c. Chairman/Secretary/Treasurer’s resignation will be effective only after its
acceptance and handing over the charge to the newly elected
Chairman/Secretary/Treasurer, as the case may be.
d. The Committee may accept the resignation of the office of the
Chairman/Secretary/Treasurer only after it is satisfied that the Chairman or as
the case may be the Secretary or Treasurer of the Society has brought upto
date the work entrusted to him and has produced the entire papers and
property of the Society, in his possession, before the Committee.
e. In case entire committee intends to resign, the resignations of the committee
shall be placed before the General Body and such resignations shall be
effective from the date of acceptance of such resignations by the General
Body. This fact of acceptance of resignations of the entire Committee by the
General Body, shall be communicated to the Registrar by the outgoing
officers and Registrar may take necessary action as provided under section
77 A of the Act. However the existing Committee shall continue to carry on
with only routine functioning of the Society, till alternate arrangement is made
by the Registrar
131.The Secretary of the Society shall give 3 clear day’s notice of meetings of the
Committee to all the Members of the Committee which shall state the date, time
and place of the meeting and the business to be transacted there at, in
consultation with the Chairman of the Society. Where the Secretary of the
Society fails to issue such a notice and agenda of any meeting of the
Committee, the Chairman of the Society shall issue it. If the Chairman and the
Secretary of the Society fail to issue a notice and agenda of any meeting of the
Committee, the concerned Housing Federation, of which Society is affiliated, on
its receipt of such information and request may call such a meeting.
132.The Chairman of the Society shall preside over all the meetings of the
Committee, provided that if at any meeting of the Committee, he is absent,
those Members of the Committee present shall elect one of them to be the
Chairman, for that occasion, who shall preside over the meeting.
Resignation of office
bearers of the Society.
Resignation of
Committee Member of
the Society.
133.Every Member of the Committee shall have one vote. However in case of
equality of votes the chairman of the meeting will have a second or casting
vote. All decisions shall be taken by majority of vote.
134.On a requisition by 1/3rd of the Members of the committee, the Secretary of the
Society shall convene a special meeting of the Committee within 7 days of the
date of receipt of the requisition to discuss the matter mentioned in the
requisition to discuss the matter mentioned in the requisition. On the failure of
the Secretary of the Society to convene such a meeting within the time
stipulated the procedure laid down under the bye-laws No. 131 shall be
135.The Secretary of the Society shall attend every meeting of the committee and
record its minutes and place the same for confirmation before the next meeting
of the committee, after the minutes are signed by the Secretary of the Society
and the chairman of the meeting in the absence of the Secretary the Chairman
of the Society shall make alternate arrangement for recording minutes of the
136.The Members of the Committee shall be jointly and severally responsible for all
the decisions taken by the committee during its term relating to the business of
the Society. The Members of the committee shall be jointly and severally
responsible for all the acts and omissions detrimental to the interest of the
137.Subject to the bye - law 111 the Committee shall exercise the powers and
discharge the functions and duties as mentioned hereunder.
no. Items of the powers, functions and duties
The bye-law no. under
which the Power,
Function or Duty falls
1. To consider acceptance of deposits from Members and
raising of funds 11
2. To consider and recommend to the meeting of the general
body, the rates of contribution 13 (a) and 13 (c)
To consider all matter relating to the creation, investment
and utilization of the Repairs & maintenance, Reserve
Fund and Sinking Fund.
12(i) and (ii) 14
(a) (b) and (c) 15
4. To consider and decide the resignations received form
Member, Associate Members & Nominal Members. 27 to 30
5. To ensure that nomination and revocations thereof are
recorded in the minutes of the committee. 32
6. To take action on the report of the Secretary on inspection
of the Flats. 46 (b)
7. To take action on cases of cessation of Membership,
including associate and nominal Membership 58
8. To consider and decide the applications for various
purposes received by the Society 62
To Consider and decide cases of refund of shares and
interest in the capital/ property of the Society where the
shares and interest in the capital / property are acquired
by the Society
10. To fix the rate of insurance premium in respect of
commercial use of flats. 66 a) (xi)
11. To fix in respect of every flat the Society's charges on the
basis of the proportion laid down under the bye-law 69 (a) 66 (b)
To review the position of recovery of the charges due to
the Society from Members and to initiate action against
defaulted charges of the Society
13. To verify compliance of the provisions relating to charging
of interest in defaulted charges of the Society 69
To authorise a Member of the Committee to attest deed of
conveyance, share certificates and any other documents
to which the seal of the Society is affixed.
15. To issue letters of allotment of flats to those who have
purchased flats from the Promoter (Builder) 74
16. To make available papers of the Society for perusal if
asked for by the Members 23
17. To ensure holding of every annual meeting of the general
body are kept on the agenda of the meeting 93
To ensure that all matters required to be considered at an
annual meeting of the general body are kept on the
agenda of the meeting
19. To call a special meeting of the general body when
required 95
To arrange for election of a new
Committee prior to the expiry of the period of the existing
21. To ensure that after elections new committee is duly
constituted 117
22. To elect office - bearers of the Society 124
23. To ensure that a meeting of the committee is held once in
a month 126
24. to fill in vacancies of the Committee 127
25. To consider resignation of a Member of the committee 129
26. To consider resignation of an office bearer of the Society 130
27. To obtain securities form the paid employees of the
Society 146
To approve the audit rectification reports of statutory and
internal audits and to forward them to the authorities
29. To execute deed of conveyance of the land and building /
buildings thereon. 153
30. To take steps to maintain the property of the Society in
good condition and to carry out repairs to it and renewals
154 and 157
31. To Insure the property of the Society 159
To suggest to the general body meeting the rates of
penalties for breaches of bye-laws and to issue show
cause notices
33 To regulate operation of the lift of the Society 166
34 To suggest to the meeting of the general body the games
to be allowed to be played in the compound of the Society
To consider and decide any other matters provided under
the MCS Act 1960, the MCS Rules 1961 and the Bye-laws
of the Society,
but not expressly indicated hereinabove
76 to 83
36 To regulate parking in the Society. 77 to 83
37 To ensure that the Society is affiliated to Housing
Federation and its subscription is regularly paid. 6
To take the decision on the complaint application in the
Managing Committee Meeting and inform the concerned
Member of its decision accordingly.
39 To enter into contract with the Architect of the Society. 156 (f)
To scrutinize the tenders, received for construction work
and to submit the same along with Committee's report to
the meeting of the General Body and to enter into contract
with the contractor.
156 (i)
138.The Chairman of the Society shall have the power of overall superintendence,
control and guidance in respect of management of the affairs of the Society
within the frame-work of the MCS Act 1960. Rule 1961 and the Bye-laws of the
Society. In case of any emergency, the chairman of the Society may be
competent to exercise any of the powers of the committee. However, while
doing so he shall record the reasons thereof in writing Any decision, so taken
by the chairman of the Society shall be got ratified in the next meeting of the
139.The functions of the Secretary of the Society shall be those mentioned
below :
no Items of the Powers, Functions and Duties
The Bye-law no. under
which the Power,
Function or Duty falls
1 To issue share certificate to Members within the stipulated
period and the prescribed manner 9 & 10
2 To deal with resignations from Members including
associate and nominal Members 27 to 30
3 To enter nominations and revocations thereof in the
Nominations Register. 31
4 To inspect the property of the Society. 46 (a)
5 To issue notices regarding repairs to be carried out in flats. 46 (b)(C)
6 To deal with cases of expulsion of Members. 48 to 53
7 To deal with cases of cessation of Membership including
associate and nominal Membership. 54
8 To deal with the applications for various purposes received
by the Society. 63
9 To prepare and issue demand notices/bills for payment to
the Society's charges. 68
10 To bring cases of defaults in payment of the Society's
charges to the notice of the Committee. 69
11 To issue letter of allotment of flats. 76 (a)
12 To issue notices and agenda of all meetings of the general
body. 97
13 To record the minutes of all the meetings of the general
body. 107
14 To call the first meeting of the newly constituted committee. 121(b)
15 To issue notices of all the meetings of the Committee. 131
16 To attend meetings of the Committee and to record minutes
thereof 135
17 To attend meeting accounts books, register and other
records, unless otherwise decided by the committee. 142
18 To finalize account of the Society in the required manner 145 (b)
To produce records of the Society before different authority
concerned with the working of the Society with the consent
of the Chairman.
20 to prepare the audit rectification reports in respect of audit
memos received from the Statutory and internal Auditors. 152
21 To bring breaches of the Bye-laws by the Members of their
notices under instructions from the committee and
Penalties there to.
22 To discharge such other functions under the MCS Act 1960
the MCS Rules 1961 and the Bye-laws of the general body
meetings, as are not expressly mentioned hereinabove.
23 To place the complaint application with facts before the
committee, in the coming meeting. 174
140.The Society shall maintain the following books of accounts, records and
1. The Register of Members in "I" form prescribed under Rule 32 of the MCS
rules 1961.
2. The List of Members in 'J' form prescribed under Rule 33 of the MCS rules
3. The Cash Book,
4. The Genera! Ledger,
5. The Personal Ledger.
6. The Sinking Fund Register.
7. The Audit Rectification Register in 'O' form, prescribed under the MCS
rules 1961.
8. The Investment Register.
9. The Nomination Register.
10. The Society / Members Loan Register/Mortgage Register.
11. The Minutes Book for the meetings of the Committee of the Society.
12. The Minutes Book for the meetings of the General Body of the Society.
13. The Property register and furniture, fixtures and office
14. The Structural and Fire Audit Register and Lift Inspection
15. The Register of Nominal Members (Tenant occupant)
16. The Register for Active Members
141.The Society shall maintain separate files for the following subjects :
i. Applications for Membership.
ii. Applications for nominal / Associate Membership
iii. Letters of resignations of Membership including associate and
iv. Nominal Membership.
v. Applications for transfer of shares and/or interest in the
vi. Capital /property of the Society.
vii. Cases of expulsion of Members.
viii. Nominations made by Members including revocations thereof.
ix. Separate file for correspondence entered into with each Member.
x. Correspondence with the Co-Operative Registrar.
xi. Correspondence on Property Taxes including Non-agricultural taxes.
xii. Correspondence on common electric supply.
xiii. Correspondence about Conveyance of the property.
xiv. All Types of Agreements, with papers connected thereto.
xv. Approved plans of construction and correspondence thereon.
xvi. Applications tor allotment of parking spaces.
xvii. Vouchers, along with the bills relating thereto arranged in order of entries
in the cash book and the journal.
xviii. Counterfoils of challans for credits of amounts into the bank, arranged in
order of dates of credits.
xix. Counterfoils of cheques issued.
xx. Counterfoils of share certificates.
xxi. Applications for duplicate share certificates.
xxii. Application for registration of the Society, the copy of the bye-laws and
amendments thereto.
xxiii. A certificate of registration fully framed.
xxiv. Counterfoils of receipts or carbon copies of receipts issued by the Society.
xxv. Counterfoils of bills or carbon copies of bills for the Society's charges.
xxvi. Correspondence about loan received and property of the Society
xxvii. Notices and Agenda of the Meetings of the Committee and general body
of the Society.
xxviii. Periodical statements of Accounts prepared by the Society.
xxix. Committee's annual reports on the working of the Society.
xxx. Audit memos received from the Statutory Auditors, with rectification
reports thereon.
xxxi. Audit reports received from Internal Auditors, with rectification reports
xxxii. Papers pertaining to the election of the Committee.
xxxiii. Complaint from Members and correspondence thereof.
Note: The Society shall also maintain separate files relating to other
subjects not expressly indicated above.
142.Unless otherwise decided by the Committee, it shall be the responsibility of the
Secretary of the Society to maintain and keep uptodate the Account Books,
Registers and other Records mentioned under the bye-laws Nos. 140 and 141.
143.The Secretary of the Society or the paid employee, authorised by the
Committee in that behalf, may retain in his personal custody, at the close of
every day, a sum, not exceeding Rs. 5,000 (Rupees Five Thousand only),for
petty expenses. If due to unavoidable circumstances, the cash in hand has
exceeded the above limit, the excess cash shall be credited into the bank within
the next three days by the Secretary or any other person authorised by the
Committee to keep cash in hand.
144. All payments in excess of Rs.1500/- (Rupees Fifteen Hundred) shall be
made by means of crossed a/c payee's cheques.
a. Within 45 days of the close of every co-operative year, the Secretary of
the Society or any other person, authorised by the Committee in that
behalf, shall finalise the accounts of the preceding co-operative year,
prepare the Receipts and Payments Statement, the Income and
Expenditure Statement for the said year and the Balance Sheet as at the
close of the said year in the forms prescribed under Rule 62(i) of MCS
Rules 1961alongwith the list of Active Members and Non-Active Members
as at the close of the preceding co-operative year, with amounts to their
credit in the share capital account and deposits, if any, the schedules of
investments, the debtors, the creditors, the furniture, the fixtures and the
office equipments etc.
b. The Society shall prepare and file Annual Returns as prescribed in the Act
& the Rules. The Society shall file Annual Returns on or before 30th
September of every year with the Registrar including the following
matters, namelyi.
Annual Reports of Societies activities.
ii. Societies Audited Statement of Accounts;
iii. Plans for surplus disposal as approved by the General Body of the
iv. List of amendments to the Byelaws of the Society, if any;
v. Declaration regarding date of holding of its General Body Meeting and
conduct of elections when due;
vi. Any other information required by the Registrar in pursuance of any of
the provisions of the Act.
vii. List of Active and Non-Active Members.
viii. Every Society shall also file a Return regarding the name of the
Auditor or Auditing Firm from a Panel Approved by a State
Government in this behalf, appointed in the General Body Meeting
together with his written consent within a period of one month from the
date of Annual General Body Meeting.
ix. If the Society fails to intimate and file the Returns as provided by
section 75(2A) and section 79(1B), the Registrar may cause Societies
accounts to be audited by appointing an Auditor from the panel of
146. Every paid employee, holding any office in the Society and handling cash
and/or securities of the Society, shall furnish such security, as is provided under
Rule 107B of the MCS Rules 1961.
a. After providing for the interest upon any loans and deposits and after making
such other deductions as required under Section 65(1) and 66 of the MCS Act
1960 and Rule 49A of MCS Rules 1961, twenty five percent (25%) of the net
profit of all the business carried on by or on account of the Society, shall be
placed at the credit of the Reserve Fund of the Society.
b. The remaining seventy five percent (75%) of the net profit of the Society shall
be utilised as provided under Rule 50, 51, 52, 53 of MCS Rule 1961.
i. To pay dividend not exceeding 15 percent per annum, upon the paid up
share capital at such rate as the Committee may recommend and the
Annual General Body Meeting may approve. The dividend on shares shall
be paid to the registered holders of such shares according to the books of
the Society as on the last day of the preceding co-operative year.
ii. To pay honorarium to office-bearers of the Society not exceeding fifteen
percent (15%) of the net surplus to reward them for the sacrifice of their
valuable time for the working of the Society or as decided by the General
Body Meeting
iii. To allocate to a Common Welfare Fund, such part of the profit as the
Annual Meeting of the General Body may determine, to be utilised in
furtherance of
iv. the objects specified in the bye-law No. 5(d).
v. The balance, if any, shall be carried forward or dealt with in such manner as
the Annual General Body Meeting, on the recommendations of the
Committee, may determine.
148.Subject to the bye-law no. 149, the Society may write off Society's charges due
from the Members, the expenses incurred on recovery thereof and the
accumulated losses, which are certified as irrecoverable by the Statutory
Auditor, appointed under section 81 of the Act.
149.The amounts mentioned in the bye-law no. 148 shall not be written off unless:
a. the meeting of the General Body of the Society has given due sanction for
writing off the amounts;
b. the approval of the financing agency to the writing off of the amounts, if the
Society is indebted to it.
c. the approval of the Registering Authority is obtained.
Provided that, if the Society is affiliated to the District Central Cooperative
Bank or any other financing agency but is not indebted to it the
permission of the Bank or the financing agency is not necessary,
Provided further that, if the Society is classified as A or B at the last
Audit, no such permission of the Bank or the financing agency or the
Registering Authority is necessary, if there is sufficient balance in the Bad
Debt Fund, specially created for the purpose to cover the amount
proposed to be written off.
150.Appointment of Auditor.
a. The Society shall appoint the Statutory Auditor in its General Body
Meeting from the panel of Auditors approved by State Govt. and same
Statutory Auditor shall not be appointed for more than two consecutive
years. The Statutory Auditor shall submit his Audit Report as provided in
section 81 of the Act.
b. It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to get the Accounts Audited
within a period of six months from the closure of financial year and in any
case before issuance of Notice of the holding of the Annual General Body
c. The Remuneration of Auditors so appointed shall be decided by the
General Body Meeting of the Society.
d. The Society may, if it considers it necessary, appoint an internal Auditor,
to audit the accounts of the Society, at the Annual General Body Meeting
151.The Secretary of the Society shall produce or cause to be produced all the
books, registers, records before the Internal Auditor and the Statutory Auditor,
in the office of the Society or where the records are normally kept and furnish
such information as may be required by him for the conduct of the Audit of the
Accounts of the Society.
a. On receipt of the audit reports from the Statutory and Internal Auditors, the
Secretary of the Society shall prepare draft audit rectification reports on the
objections raised and suggestions made, in the Audit rectification Report in
form '0' prescribed under Rule 73 of the MCS Rules 1961 and place the same
before the meeting of the Committee, held next after the date of the receipt of
the audit reports, for its approval. The Audit Rectification shall be done by the
Committee within three months from the date of audit report. The committee
shall submit Audit Rectification Report to the Registrar and the Annual
General Body Meeting of the Society.
b. If the Committee of the Society fails to submit Audit Rectification Report to the
Registrar and the Annual General Body Meeting, all the Members of the
Committee shall be deemed to have committed an Offence under section 146
of the Act and shall be liable for Penalty under section 147 of the Act.
a. The committee shall with the approval of General Body, take necessary
steps for Conveyance/Deemed Conveyance of the land/building/buildings in
favour of the Society.
b. The Committee shall examine, in consultation with the Advocate of the
Society, the Deed of the Conveyance/Deemed Conveyance of the land and
the building/buildings thereon and place the same before the Meeting of the
General Body of the Society for its approval.
c. On approval of the Draft Deed by the General Body Meeting of the Society,
the Committee shall execute it as per law.
154.It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to maintain the property of the
Society in good condition at all times and to redevelop the Society
buildings/property, if necessary, as per Government directives from time to time
and as per prevailing laws.
a. The Secretary of the Society, on receipt of any complaints about the
maintenance of the property of the Society from any Members of the Society
or on his own motion, shall inspect the property of the Society(if necessary
along with technical expert appointed for the purpose), from time to time and
make the report to the Committee, stating the need of the repairs, if any,
considered necessary. The Committee shall consider the report made by the
Secretary of the Society and decide as to which of the repairs should be
carried out.
b. the Members of the Society shall allow access and cooperate in the
inspection of the premises for repairs & maintenance
a. The Committee shall be competent to incur expenditure on the repairs and
maintenance of the Society's property once in a financial year, the onetime
expenditure does not exceed :
Upto 25 Members Rs. 25.000/-
26 to 50 Members Rs. 50,000/-
51 and above Upto Rs. 1,00,000/-
b. If one time expenditure on repairs and maintenance of the Society's property
exceeds the limit as mentioned under bye-law No. 156(a) prior sanction of the
meeting of the General Body of the Society shall be necessary.
c. The meeting of the General Body of the Society shall decide :
The limit upto which the expenditure on repairs and maintenance of the
property of the Society could be incurred by the Committee without calling for
tenders for the work. In respect of the work, the cost of which exceeds the
limit, so fixed, the Committee shall follow the procedure of inviting tenders,
placing them before the General Body Meeting for approval and entering into
contract with the Architect (if appointed) and the Contractor.
d. The appointment of An Architect : In respect of redevelopment of Society
buildings the procedure to be followed as per Government Resolutions (as
amended from time to time) and provisions in Architect Act 1972.
e. If no appointment of an Architect is made by the Promoter ,the meeting of the
General Body of the Society shall appoint an Architect on such terms and
conditions as it deems fit and as per the provisions of Architect Act 1972.
f. The Committee shall enter into the contract with the Architect, on the basis of
the terms and conditions approved at the meeting of the General Body of the
Society in that behalf as per the provisions of Architect Act 1972.
g. The Architect shall prepare the plans and estimate and feasibility report of the
construction of the building/buildings in consultation with the committee,
which shall place the same before the meeting of the General Body of the
Society. The Architect shall submit ,the plans as per the feasibility report of
the the of the construction of the building/buildings, approved by the meeting
of the General Body of the Society to the Local Authority for sanction as per
finally approved tenders.
h. As per procedure mentioned in redevelopment G.R. dated 03-01-2009 the
Committee shall invite tenders in consultation with the Architect appointed by
i. The Secretary shall open the tenders received by him in the meeting of the
Committee, which shall scrutinize them and prepare its report along with the
draft of the terms and conditions, in consultation with the Architect of the
Society and place the same before the meeting of the General Body for its
decision. After the approval of the General Body, the Committee shall then
enter into the contract with the Contractor.
j. The Contract deeds, entered into with the Architect of the Society and the
Contractor, shall provide a stipulation for settlement of the disputes arising out
of execution of the Contracts shall be referred to sole Arbitrator appointed by
the Society.
157.Subject to the provisions of the bye-law no. 156 , the Committee shall proceed
to carry out the construction, repairs and maintenance of the property of the
Society and Redevelopment of the Society buildings as per Govt Directives
from time to time It shall be the responsibility of the Committee till the
completion of the work and to see that the repairs and redevelopment of
Society buildings are carried out as per the provisions of the contract executed
by the Society.
158.The following repairs and maintenance of the property of the Society shall be
carried out by the Society at its costs:
a. ( i ) All internal roads, (ii) Compound walls, (iii) External water pipe lines, (iv)
Water pumps,(v) Water storage tanks, (vi) Drainage lines, (vii) Septic tanks,
(viii) Stair cases, (ix) Terrace and parapet walls, (x) Structural repairs of roofs
of all flats, (xi) Stair-case lights, (xii) Street lights, (xiii) External walls of the
building/ buildings, (xiv) All leakages of water including leakages due to rain
water, and leakages due to external common pipe line and drainage line,
(xv) Electric lines upto main switches in the flats (xvi) Lifts, (xvii) The
damaged ceiling and plaster thereon in the top floor flats, on account of the
leakage of the rain water through the terrace.(xviii) Generators, (xvix)
Security Appliances (CCTV, Intercom, Group Mobile, Mass Data Sharing
Devices, Siren Bell) (xx) Rain Water Harvesting,(xxi) Sewerage, Storm water
Drain & Water Treatment Plant (xxii) Common areas not specifically allotted
,Swimming Pool, Gym, Sauna Bath, Coffee House (xxiii) Common Parking
Space (xxiv) Solar and alternate energy devices. (xxv) Garden (xxvi)
Community hall (xxvii) Wi-fi setup of the Society
b. All the repairs, not covered by the bye-law No. 158(a) shall be carried out by
the Members at their cost. The expenditure of the internal leakage due to
toilet, sink etc. should be borne by concerned flat holders, with the intimation
to the Society.
a. The Society shall insure its building/s necessarily against risk of natural
calamities, fire, flood, earthquake, third party liability and like
b. The managing Committee of each and every Housing Society shall chalk
out Emergency Planning Scheme, which include below mentioned details
in respect of the Society and the surrounding area. (1) Probability of
danger and analysis thereof. (2) Evaluation of risk in pursuance disaster
management. (3) Response Machinery eg. Police/Fire Brigade/Municipal
council etc.(4) Important Telephone Numbers.
i. Emergency Telephone Numbers of each and every Member.
ii. Telephone Numbers of the officers of the Government Machinery
concerned with the emergency management. The management
committee shall hold discussion with all the Members in the General
Body Meeting over the plan prepared as aforesaid and shall inform
about the same to the Members. The plan such prepared shall be
displayed on the Notice Board of the Society, and the same shall be
made up-to-date from time to time as per the requirement.
iii. As per the Child Labour Act 1986,it is prohibited to employ child
labours for house hold and other works. As per the provisions of the
said Act, if any person/Member is found to have employed child labour
for household work and other work then a punishment of
imprisonment of one year and a fine up to Rs. 20,000/- or both can be
awarded to him. The managing committee of the Society shall display
the said legal provision on the notice board and shall create
awareness in the minds ofall the Members for eradication of the said
evil, child labour practice.
a. The office bearers of the Society shall insure that no Member of
the Society/person /contractors has employed child labour and
shall make arrangement of informing the Labour Commissioner
Office that the Society is totally free from child labour practice.
b. If any Member/ person /contractors is found to have employed
child labour, the managing committee shall inform immediately to
the office of the Labour Commissioner or the nearest Police station
or the concerned voluntary organizations and shall inform to that
effect in writing to the office of Labour Commissioner.
iv. The managing committee of the Society shall take necessary
precaution to see that no injustice is done to any widow in the
cooperative housing Society after the death of a Member before
transferring the flat in her name. In such cases Society shall verify the
nomination form duly submitted by the deceased Member or
succession certificate /heirship certificate obtained from Civil Court
under the Indian Succession Act 1925 or Will of the deceased
Member duly probated by the Civil Court through the executor of the
will. After verifying and taking legal guidance Society then only can
take appropriate action within the time limit to avoid the further legal
complications. This procedure can be followed in all the cases after
the death of a Society Member.
160.No Member of the Society shall destroy, deface or cut down any trees in the
compound of the Society. Any action, any contravention of the above provision
may render the Member concerned liable for action.
a. It shall be open to the Society, having regard to the importance of the
matter and the specific provision made thereof under the MCS
Act1960, the MCS Rules1961 and the Bye-laws of the Society, to give
notice of every General body meeting and communicate the resolution
or the decision, to the Members of the Society on their last known
addresses, by one of the following modes:
i. Hand delivery,
ii. Dispatch through post office or by registered post, with or
without acknowledgement due, or by email.
b. A copy of such notice/communication of the decision/resolution shall
be displayed on the notice board of the Society and thereupon, the
notice shall be deemed to have been duly given or communication
shall be deemed to have been duly made and the complaints received
or made that the notice/communication was not received or was not
sent to the correct address shall not affect the validity of the notice or
the communication.
162.The accounting year of the Society shall be that commencing on 1st April and
ending on the 31st March of the subsequent year.
163.The Society shall have its Notice Board, fixed at a conspicuous part of the
building/s, on which shall be exhibited all notices and communications referred
to in the bye-law No.161 (a), the Statement of Accounts, the Annual Reports of
the Committee and other matters, of which Notices are required to be given to
all the Members of the Society under the MCS Act1960 and, the MCS
Rules1961 and the Bye-laws of the Society. If there is more than one building,
the similar Notice Board shall be fixed in all the buildings.
a. The meeting of the General Body of the Society may prescribe penalties for
different breaches of the Bye-laws of the Society. The Secretary of the
Society, under instructions from the Committee, shall bring to the notice of the
Member concerned, the breach/breaches of the bye-law/bye-laws committed
by him. If the Member persists in continuing the breach/breaches, the
Committee shall give the notice to the Member to show cause as why the
penalty should not be inflicted on him for breach/breaches of the byelaw/byelaws.
The General Body Meeting, after considering the Say of the Member
and after giving him hearing, may levy penalty to the extent of maximum
consolidated penalty not exceeding Rs.5,000/- in any one financial year.
b. Save except other provision in the Act, the A.G.M / Special G.B.M. can
penalize a Member for committing breaches in his Responsibilities. Such
penalty should be reasonable and equal to all such erring Members.
A.G.M./Special G.B.M. is empowered to frame the penalty amount. The
managing committee shall recover such penalties with proper care.
165.No bye-law shall be made, altered or abrogated unless (i) a proposal to do so
has been communicated to all Members 14 days before the Meeting of the
General Body of the Society, at which it is proposed to be considered, and, (ii)
the resolution is passed by not less than 2/3rd majority of the Members present
and voting at the meeting of the General Body of the Society, and (iii) the
making, alteration or abrogation is Approved and Registered by the Registering
166.The Committee shall regulate the operation of the lifts, solar water heaters
taking into consideration the convenience of the majority of the Members of the
167.The meeting of the General Body of the Society may, after taking into
consideration the location of the building or buildings of the Society and their
surroundings and the open space available for playing games by the Members
of the Society and their children, allow such games to be played during such
hours as may be fixed by the meeting of the General Body of the Society and
subject to such restrictions, charges and penalties as it may impose.
168.The Society shall not let out or give on leave and license basis or permit any
subletting, any open space available under the Staircases, Terraces/Open
ground/Lawns/Club house/ Common Hall etc. to any person whether the
Member of the Society or not, for any purpose whatsoever.
a. All open /common area meant for use of all Members for eg. staircase, steps,
landing areas, parking spaces, lift, corridor, and such other spaces, cannot be
occupied by any Member for his own use. The use of such areas shall be
restricted to the cause for which these are meant. Any Member found to be
violating the above condition by encroachment shall have to vacate the
encroachment and further he/she shall pay an amount equal to five times the
monthly maintenance charges per month for the period for which he/she has
encroached such spaces and further Members must not carry out any
constructions, structural changes over and above the sanctioned plan without
prior permission of the Society and Concerned Municipal Authorities /
Competent Authorities.
Also Members must use the flat /unit for purpose it was meant/sanctioned.
Any Member violating the above directives shall pay an amount equal to five
times the monthly maintenance charges, per month with retrospective effect for
the period for which such violation is existed.
169. Notwithstanding the provisions under the bye-law no. 168, the Committee
may allow temporary use of the terrace or available open space of the
Society's building by any Member, on his written application, for any function,
subject to such restrictions and on payment of such charges to the Society as
the meeting of the General Body of the Society may decide. The committee
may, with the previous permission of the Local Authority, if needed, allow
exhibition of advertisement boards on any part of the building including
terrace, on such terms and conditions as are approved by the General Body
Meeting any Member /Members want to install a solar energy water heating
systems or solar energy electrical system, then space shall be made available
to such Member/Members on the terrace as per availability.
The said systems may include
(i) Solar collector stand, hot water tank, cold water tank, stand for the
tank and hot water pipeline etc,
(ii) Solar Panels, battery, inverter charging controller, cabling etc. for solar
energy / electricity / photo voltaic devices / renewable energy devices
If any application requesting to provide space for solar / renewable
energy / energy efficiency devices is received, then it shall be
binding on the Society to allocate space thereof as per the
availability of the space in the Society’s premises.
170. The Member of the Society, requiring copies of the documents shall pay
copying fees and other charges at the rates mentioned against them :
1. Certified copy of the Approved Bye-laws of the Society Rs5/- per page
2. Amendment of the Bye-laws of the Society Rs 5/- per page
3. Last Audited Balance Sheet of the Society Rs 10/- per page
4. Application for Membership of the Society Rs.25/-
Second and Subsequent Nomination by the Member of
the Society
6. Share Certificate of the Society(Duplicate) Rs 100/-
7. List of Members of the Society Rs 10/- per page
8. Correspondence / Documents (related to Member) Rs 10/- per page
Minutes of the General Body Meetings and Committee
Meetings Rs10/- per page
10. Indemnity Bond Rs20/-
11. Copy of Annual Returns and Periodicals Rs 10/- per page
12. List of Active Members Rs5/- per page
13. Any other document as per section 32 of the Act Rs5/- per page
171. Member/Members shall submit their complaint application to any of the
Office bearers of the Society, in writing, giving thereby the details of the
172. After receipt of such, complaint application, the committee shall take decision
thereof, in the immediate next Managing Committee meeting. Such decision
shall be communicated to the concerned Member, within 15 days thereafter.
173. If the Member/Members are not satisfied by the decision of the Committee,
or does not receive any communication from the committee within 15 days,
the complainant Member may approach below mentioned Competent
i. Complaints to be made to the Registrar. Matters pertaining to following
issues :-
ii. Registration of Society on Misrepresentation,
iii. Non-issuance of the Share Certificates,
iv. Refusal of Membership,
v. Non registration of Nomination by the Society,
vi. Non Occupancy charges,
vii. Demand of excess premium for transfers,
viii. Non supply of the copies of record and documents,
ix. Tampering, suppression and destruction of the records of the Society,
x. Non acceptance of the cheques or any other correspondence by the
xi. Non maintenance or incomplete maintenance of records and books of the
xii. Non preparation of the annual accounts/reports, within the prescribed
xiii. Misappropriation/ Misapplication of the Funds of the Society,
xiv. Defaulter/Disqualified Member on the committee,
xv. Investment of Funds without prior permission of G.B.M.
xvi. Reconciliation of Accounts,
xvii. Audit, Audit Rectification reports.
xviii. Non conducting of election before expiry of the term of the Committee as
per law.
xix. Rejection of Nomination,
xx. Non convening of General Body meetings within prescribed period on or
before 30th September of each year
xxi. Non calling of Managing Committee meeting as prescribed in Bye-laws,
xxii. Resignation by the Committee,
xxiii. Any other like matters which falls within jurisdiction of the Registrar.
xxiv. Non filling of Returns and statements.
xxv. Classification as Active and Non-Active Members
Disputes between the Members and/or the Members and Society, which
falls under Section 91 of the MCS Act 1960 such as:-
Disputes pertaining to:-
i. Resolutions of the Managing Committee and General Body.
ii. The elections of the Managing Committee, except the Rejection of
Nominations, as provided under section 152-A of the MCS Act 1960.
iii. Repairs, including Major Repairs, Internal Repairs, Leakages,
iv. Parking,
v. Allotment of Flats/Plots,
vi. Escalation of Construction Cost,
vii. Appointment of Developer/Contractor, Architect,
viii. Unequal water-supply,
ix. Excess recovery of dues from the Members,
x. Any other, like, disputes which fall within jurisdiction of the Co-operative
Disputes pertaining to :-
i. Noncompliance of the terms and conditions of the Agreement, by and
between the Builder/developer, (specific performance)
ii. Substandard Constructions,
iii. Conveyance Deed in favour of the Society,
iv. Escalation of construction cost,
v. Any other, like, disputes which fall within jurisdiction of the Civil Court.
Matters pertaining to:-
i. Unauthorized constructions/additions/alterations, made by
builder/Member/ occupant of the flat,
ii. Inadequate Water supply to the Society and Members.
iii. Change of use by the Members/occupants,
iv. Building's structural problems.
v. Any other, like, matters which fall within jurisdiction of the Corporation/
local authority for eg. Property tax, streetlights, garbage, and other civil
amenities etc.
Matters pertaining to :-
i. Nuisance carried by the Unauthorised user of the Flat / Shop / Parking
slot / Open space in the Society, by the Members, builder, occupants or
any other persons,
ii. Threatening / Assault by or to the Members of the Society and official
iii. Any other like matters which fall within jurisdiction of the Police.
Matters pertaining to :-
i. Non maintenance of the property of the Society by the Managing
ii. Non display of Board of the name of the Society,
iii. Levy of excess Fine, by the Managing Committee for act of the Member
which is in violation of the Bye-laws.
iv. Not allowing the authenticated use of the available open spaces of the
Society, by the Managing Committee.
v. Non Insuring the property of the Society, by the Managing Committee,
vi. Appointment of Architect,
vii. All other like matters which fall within jurisdiction of the General Body.
Complaints made by the Member Societies of the federation
Matters pertaining to :-
i. Not allowing of the entry to the Secretary of the Society, by the Member.
ii. Non acceptance of any communication by the Member/ Managing
iii. Convening Special General Body Meeting provided under the Bye-law
no. 95 and Managing Committee meeting provided under Bye-law no.
131. As per the directions given by concern Dist/Asst Registrars
iv. All other like matters as per the Byelaws provision of the federation.
XX - Regarding redevelopme n t o f b u i l d i n g s t h e
Co-opera t i ve Hou s i n g S o c i e t ies
a. Redevelopments of the Property / Building of the Society including
vacant spaces shall be done strictly in accordance and confirmation
with the Directions issued by the Government of Maharashtra vide
Government Resolution no. CHS 2007/M.No. 554/14-S dated 03
January 2009, under section 79{A} of the Maharashtra Cooperative
Societies Act 1960 (as amended from time to time).
b. If the development Agreement is not executed with the developer in
that case, the Society after cancelling the same resolution, the Society
may appoint a new developer from the short list of approved
developer, and if it is not possible, fresh procedure can be initiated.
The Representative of the Registrar must be invited for the aforesaid
General Body Meeting and his attendance is compulsory.
c. In case of increase of membership on account of redevelopment the
Society shall increase the Authorised Share Capital and amend the
bye laws accordingly and the list of new members be submitted to the
Registrar for appropriate approvals
The form of application for Membership of the Society by a Nominee/ Heir, who is a minor, through
his Guardian/ Legal Representative
The Form of application for membership of the Society by an individual
A Form of undertaking to be furnished by the Prospective Member to use the flat for the purpose
for which it is purchased.
A Form of undertaking to be furnished by the person, on whom the prospective Non Earning
Member is dependent for discharge of liabilities to the society.
The Form of application for Associate Membership by an Individual, Who desires to hold shares
jointly with Member , who is already admitted to membership of the Society
The Form of application for Associate Membership by a Firm, or a Company or any other Body
Corporate with the person already admitted to membership of the Society.
No Objection Certificate and Undertaking from the Original Member to be submitted by the
Associate Member intending to be a Member of the Managing Committee of the Society
The Form of application for Nominal Membership by the sublettee the Licensee or the Caretaker
or Occupant
Form of Letter of Allotment of the flat to the member of the society
The Form of Notice of Resignation of Membership of the society by a member
The Form of application for Membership by the Nominee/Nominees
The Form of Notice, inviting claims or objections to the transfer of the shares and the interest of
the Deceased Member in the Capital/ Property of the society.
A form of the letter of consent of the proposed Transferee for the transfer of the shares and
interest of the member (Transferor) to him ( Transferee).
A form of Notice of, intention of a member to transfer his shares and Interest in the capita!
/property of the Society.
Form of application for transfer of shares and interest in the capital/ property of the society by the
transferor (being an individual)
Form of application for transfer of shares and interest in the capital/ property of the society by the
transferor. (Being a Corporate Body)
Form of application for membership of the society by the Proposed transferee. [being an individual]
Form of application for membership of the society by the proposed transferee (Being a Body
A form of undertaking about the registration of the transfer of a flat under Section 269 AB of the
Income Tax Act.
Form of Undertaking about the registration of the acquisition of a flat under section 269 AB of the
IncomeTax Act.)
A form of intimation by the society to the transferee about exercise of rights of membership by
Form of application for permission to hold more than one flat.
Form for filing Grievance by Member with the Registering Authority
[Under the Bye-law No. 17(b)]
The form of application for Membership of the Society by a Nominee/ Heir, who is a minor,
through his Guardian/ Legal Representative
The Secretary
… ….. …… …. …… ….. Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.
… ….. …… …. …… ….. … ….. …… …. …… ….. … ….. …… …. …… …..
Shri/ Shrimati/ Messers …… …….. ……….. …….. who was the member of the….. ….. …… …….. ……..
Co-operative Housing Society Ltd., having address at ………. ……… ……… …………. holding ten
shares of Rs. Fifty each and the Flat No ……… ……… died on His/her death certificate is enclosed.
He/She had nominated Shri/Shrimati ………. ……… who is minor/ He had not made nomination. His/
Her heir Shri/ Shrimati ………. ………… is a minor.
I, Shri/Shrimati …………. ………. …………. being his/her natural guardian/ guardian appointed by the
deceased member/ legal representative hereby make an application on behalf of the said minor for
membership of the …………. ………. …………. Co-operative Housing Society Ltd., having address
at…………. ………. …………. …………. ………. …………. and for transfer of shares and interest of
the deceased member in the capital/ property of the society to me on behalf of the minor nominee/ heir
as provided under Rule 20 of the Maharashtra Co-operative Society Rules, 1961. The share certificate
held by the deceased member is enclosed.
An entrance fee of Rs. 100/- is sent herewith.
The particulars of the plot/ flat/ house in the area of operation of the society owned by the minor
nominee heir or any of the membership of the minor's family or the person dependent on the minor are
given below: -
Name of the minor nominee or heir
of his/her family member or the
person dependent on the minor.
Particulars regarding plot/flat/
house owned by the minor nominee/heir or
any of the members of the minor's family
or the person dependent on the minor
Place where
1 2 3 4
My particulars for the purpose of consideration of this application are as under:
Age :- …… …… …. …… ….
Occupation :- … … … …. …… …….
Office Address :- …… …… …. …… ….
Monthly Income :- …… …… …. …… ….
I undertake to discharge all the present and future liabilities to the society on behalf of the minor.
I hereby declare that there is no plot/ flat/ house in the area of operation of the society, of the ownership
of said minor person or his family member or the person dependent on him. As I have no independent
source of income, I enclose herewith undertaking from the person on whom I am dependent in the
prescribed form, to the effect that he will discharge all the present and future liability to society on my
I enclose the undertaking in the prescribed form (Appendix - 3) to use the flat on behalf of the minor for
the purpose for which it was held/ acquired by the deceased member and that any change of user will
be made with prior approval of the society.
I enclose herewith an undertaking in prescribed form regarding sale of plot/ flat/ house of the minor
person or his family member of the person dependent on the minor person.
I also enclose herewith the undertaking in the prescribed form on behalf of the minor about registration
of the transfer of the flat to the minor's name through me under Section 269 AB of the Income - Tax Act
(Appendix - 26. )
I have gone through the registered bye-laws of the society and undertake to abide by the same with any
modification the Registering Authority may make in them.
I undertake to discharge all outstanding liabilities against the deceased member and also pay the
charges of the society in future on behalf of the minor.
I also hereby undertake to convey the property on the "attainment of age of majority" by the minor on
whose behalf I am holding membership. I also declare that I shall be ceased to hold the membership on
behalf of the said minor, as soon as he attains age of majority.
I declare that I will take all actions as a member of the society on behalf of the minor in his/ her interest
On behalf of the minor, I request you to admit me as a member of the society.
Yours faithfully,
Place: Date :
(Nominee — Heir who is a minor)
(Through his Guardian / Legal Representative)
The undertaking about registration of the transfer of the flat is not necessary where the minor is related
to the deceased member within the meaning of Section 2(41) of the Income-Tax Act.
*Strike out whichever is not applicable.
[Under the Bye-law Nos. 19 (B) and 62 (v)]
The Form of application for membership of the Society by an individual
The Chief Promoter/ Secretary
………… ………… …………. Co-operative Housing Society
I, Shri/ Smt. …. ……. …… … ….. …… ……. hereby make an application for membership of the ….
……. …… … ….. …… ……. Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.,
I intend to settle down and reside in the area of operation of the Society.
My particulars for the purpose of consideration of this application are as under :
Age :
Occupation :
Monthly Income : Rs.
Office Address :
Residential Address :
I have purchased the flat No. …. ……. …… ……. in the building, named numbered as …. ……. ……
……. admeasuring …. ……. …… ……. sq. meters from the Promoters (Builders) or Shri / Shrimati /
Messrs…. ……. …… ……. under an agreement under Section 4 of the Ownership Flats, Act a copy of
which, duly attested is enclosed.
I declare that the said agreement is duly stamped as required under Bombay Stamp Act-19 as to
registration, the copy of which is enclosed.
I give below the particulars of the Plot/ flat/ house owned by me or by any of the members of my family
or the person dependent on me in the area of operation of the society :
Name of
Particulars of the plot / Flat / house
owned by the applicant or any of the
members of his family or the person
dependent in the area of operation of
the Society.
Location of
the plot/flat
Reason as to why it
is necessary to
have a flat in this
1 2 3 4 5
I remit herewith a sum of Rs. 500 /- towards value of 10 shares of Rs. 50 each and Rs. 100 for entrance
I undertake to discharge all the present and future liabilities to the society.
As I have no independent source of income, I enclose herewith the undertaking, in the prescribed form
the person, on whom I am dependent to the effect that he will discharge all the present and future
liabilities to the society on my behalf.
I undertake to use the flat for the purpose for which it is purchased by me and that any change of user
will be made with the prior approval of the Society. An undertaking to that effect in the prescribed form is
enclose herewith.
I have gone through the registered Bye-law of the society and undertake to abide by the same and any
modification the Registering Authority may make in them.
I request you to please admit me as the member of the society.
Yours Faithfully,
( full name here )
Date :
Place :
Attested by,
Chief Promoters / Chairman
The expression “a member of family” means as defined under bye-law No. 3 (xxv).
[Undertaking the Bye-laws Nos. 17(b) and 19(A)(iv)]
A Form of undertaking to be furnished by the Prospective Member to use the flat for the purpose for
which it is purchased.
I …… ……… …….. of …………, Indian Inhabitant, residing at …… ……… …….. Co-operative Housing
Society Ltd., …… …… …….. Mumbai …… ……… …….., intending member of the …… …… …….. Coop
Housing Society Limited having address at, …… ……… …….. Mumbai …… ……… …….. hereby
give the undertaking that I will use the Flat No. …… ……… …….. inherited by me, on demise of my late
husband Shri …… ……… …….. the earlier member, under the bye-laws of the society for the purpose
mentioned in the letter, which will be issued under bye-law No. 76(a) of the bye-laws of the society,
I further give the undertaking that no change of user will be made by me without the previous
permission, in writing of the committee of the society.
…… ……… ……..
Place : Mumbai
Date :------------
[Under the Bye-law No. 19 (A) (v)]
A Form of undertaking to be furnished by the person, on whom the prospective Non Earning Member is
dependent for discharge of liabilities to the society.
The Chief Promoter/ Secretary
…. ……..Co-operative Housing Society Limited.
…….. ……… ………..
Shri/ Smt. …… …… …. has made an application for membership of the … …… … …… …… …. Co-operative Hous
Society Ltd having address at …… …… …., Mumbai …… …… .... He/ She has no independent source of income a
dependent on me. I therefore, undertake to discharge all the liabilities, present and future, payable by her/his on her/
admission to membership of the society on her/his behalf as communicated to me directly or through her/him from tim
to time, by the Society. On failure of such discharge in respect of dues, I shall also be liable for recovery u/s 101 of th
MSC Act 1960, along with the said member who is dependent on me.
My details are given below :-
1.Name :- Shri/ Smt. … …… …… …. … …… ….
2.My Residence Address :- … …… …. … …… …… …. … …… ….
3.My Office Address :- … …… …. … …… …… …. … …… ….
4.Contact details :- … …… …… ….… …… …… ….… Occupation :- … …… …… ….… …… …
….… ……
Name and Full Address of the employer :-
… …… …. … …… …… …. … …… …… …. … …… …… ….
Monthly Income :-Rs… …… …… …./-
Place :-
Date :- Yours faithfully,
[Under the Bye -law Nos. 19B & 19C]
The Form of application for Associate Membership by an Individual, Who desires to hold shares jointly
with Member , who is already admitted to membership of the Society
The Secretary,
…… …… … ….Co-op. Housing Society Ltd.,
address ... ... ... ... ...
Shri/Shrimati ……. …….. ……… ……….. ……… Is already a member of the ……. …….. ………
……….. ……… Co- operative Housing Society Ltd., having address at……. …….. ……… ………..
……… holding ten fully paid shares of Rs. Fifty each.
He/ She desires Shri / Shrimati ……. …….. ……… ……….. ……… to join him /her as an
Associate member for the purpose of holding the shares jointly with the applicant Shri / Shrimati …….
…….. ……… ……….. ……… in respect of flat no .. .. ... in building name .. ... ... .......... ........ ..... in the
.... ..... .... Co- operative Housing Society Ltd
According, I make this application for admitting me the applicant as an Associate member to
Shri/Shrimati ……. …….. ……… ……….. ……… And remit herewith the entrance fee of Rs. 100.
I state that I have purchased / own property jointly with the First Member, being flat no ... ... ...
in the Society, vide registered deed / title documents no ... ... ... ... dt ... ... ..,
I state that do not jointly own or have joint title to the property with the above mentioned First
On my/our admission as an Associate member by the society, we shall be jointly and severally
liable to discharge the present and future liabilities of the society.
The right of attending general body meeting and voting at them will ordinarily be exercised by
Shri/Shrimati ……. …….. ……… ……….. ……… whose name stands first in the share certificate. The
name of Shri/Shrimati ……. …….. ……… ……….. ……… shall stand second in the share certificate and
he/she (the Associate member) shall have no rights or privilege of a member, except attending general
body meeting of the society and voting at them, provided that the member whose name stands first in
the share certificate is absent at such meeting other than mentioned in section 27 of MCS Act, 1960.
I/We request you to admit me/us as an Associate member and include my name as an associate
member in the share certificate below the name of the first member.
The consent of the member for my/our admission as an Associate member is appended here
Yours faithfully
(Signature of the applicant Whose name
to stand second or thereafter In the Share Certificate)
Place :-
Date :-
I, Shri/ Shrimati ……. …….. ……… ……….. ……… a member of the ……. …….. ……… ……….. ………
Co- operative Housing Society Ltd., having address at……. …….. ……… ……….. ……… and holding
ten paid up shares of Rupees fifty each recommend the application made by Shri/ Shrimati……. ……..
……… ……….. ……… for Associate membership of the Society for the purpose of holding the shares
jointly on terms and conditions set out in the above application. The name of Shri/ Shrimati……. ……..
……… ……….. ……… be added in the share certificate (enclose herewith), after my name. Signature of
the First Member
Place : Date:
[Under the Bye-law No. 19(B)]
The Form of application for Associate Membership by a Firm, or a Company or any other Body
Corporate with the person already admitted to membership of the Society.
The Secretary,
………………… Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.,
Shri/ Shrimati … …… … …… …… …… …… is already a member of the …… …… Co-operative Society Ltd., having
address at ……… …… ……… ………… holding ten fully paid shares of Rs. Fifty each.
He/ She desires M/s……… ………… ………… ………… having address at……… ……… ……… ………… …… …… to
join him/ her as an associate member for the purpose of holding the shares jointly with him/ her.
Accordingly, we make this application for admitting us as an associate member to Shri/ Shrimati ……… ……… …………
……… ….and remit herewith the membership entrance fee of Rs. 100.
The signatory to the application for associate membership is duly authorized by us to sign the application on our behalf.
A certified copy of the said letter of authority in this behalf is enclosed.
On our admission as an associate member by the Society, we shall be jointly and severally liable to discharge the
present and future liabilities to the society.
The right of attending general body meeting and voting at them will ordinary be exercised by Shri / Shrimati …… … ……
… …… … …….. whose name stands first in the share certificate, Name of us M/s. …… …. …… ….. ……….. ………..
shall stand secondly in the Share Certificate and we shall have no rights or privileges of the membership. However, if
Shri/ Shrimati …… …… …… … …… ..remains absent for General Body meeting of the Society, the we shall have a right
to attend such meeting and to caste a vote.
We request you to admit us as an associate member and include our name in the share certificate next after the name of Shri
/ Shrimati …… ……… …… ……… …… ……
The consent of Shri/ Shrimati… ……… …… ……… …… ………… for our admission as an associate member is given below.
Place: (Signature of the Applicant)
We hereby declare that we are eligible for membership of the society as provided under bye-law No. 18.
We hereby submit the Article of Association & Memorandum of Association &Company Registration Certificate.
I, Shri / Shrimati………… ………… …… ……………… ……………..a member of the ………………… ……… ………
…… …….Co- operative Housing Society Ltd., having address
at………………………………………………………………….and holding five fully paid up shares of Rupees fifty each
recommend the application made by M/s………… ……… ………… ………… ……… …….. for associate membership
with me for the purpose of holding the shares jointly on terms and conditions be added in the share certificate(enclose
herewith), after my name.
(Signature of the Applicant)
Place :
[Under the Bye-law No. 116(d)]
No Objection Certificate and Undertaking from the Original Member to be submitted by the Associate
Member intending to be a Member of the Managing Committee of the Society
From: Shri /Smt…………….
Flat No………………
The Chairman,
…………………………… Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.,
Dear Sir,
I, Shri /Smt. …… … …… …… …… … …. a member of the society holding share certificate No. …
… …… .. jointly with Shri/ Smt… …… … …… …… … whose name stands Sr No. …….. ……. in the
share certificate who intends to contest the election of the Managing Committee of the society for the
year….. ………
Since I do not wish to participate in the said election and since I have no objection to Shri/Smt……
…… ……… …… …… ……contesting the said election. I hereby surrender all my voting rights in favour
of Shri/ Smt… …… …… ….to enable him/her to contest the ensuing election to the managing
committee and to hold office of the committeeman, if elected.
I hereby declare that I will not participate in any manner in general meeting of the society or in
election matter till such time as Shri/ Smt…… …… ……… …… …if elected. Continues to hold the
office of the committeeman.
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of the Original Member)
[Under the Bye-laws Nos. 20 and 43(2)(1)]
The Form of application for Nominal Membership by the sub-lettee the Licensee or the Caretaker or
The Secretary
………………………..Co- operative Housing Society Ltd.,
Shri/Shrimati/Messrs ………. ………… ……… ……… I have entered into an agreement as per
copy enclosed, with Shri/Shrimati ………. ………… ……… ……… and holding Flat No. ……….
………… ……… ……… in the building of the Society, for sub-letting / giving on caretaker basis/leave
and licence basis the said flat/pat of the said flat.
I/We request you to admit me/us as a nominal of the society.
I/We remit herewith the entrance fee Rs. 100/-
I/We are aware that being a nominal member, I/We have no rights or privileges of a member and
cannot claim any share in any form in the profit or assets of the society.
I/We undertake to vacate the flat/ part of the peacefully immediately on expiry of the period of
agreement or the extended period.
I/We have gone through the bye-law of the society and undertake to abide by them with any
modifications, the Registering Authority may make in them. I/We hereby undertake that we shall be
liable for the payment of all the outgoing of the society.
The consent of Mr. ………. ………… ……… ……… for my/our admission as a nominal member
of society is given below.
Yours faithfully,
Licensee/ Caretaker.
I , Shri/ Shrimati ………. ………… ……… ……… a member of the ……………… Co-operative Housing
Society Ltd., ………. ………… ……… ……… give my consent for Mr. ………. ………… ……… ………
to be admitted as a Nominal Member of the Society.
(Signature of the Member)
(Under the Bye-laws No. 24 and 74 (a))
Form of Letter of Allotment of the flat to the member of the society.
Shri. / Shrimati/ Messers ……. …….. …….. ……….
……… ………. ………. ………. ………. …………
……… ………. ………. ………. ………. …………
1. You are the member of the ………. ………. ………. Co-operative Housing Society Limited (
Registration Number ………. ………. ………. dated,) having address at ………. ………. ………. ……….
………. ………. registered or deemed to be registered as per the provisions of Maharashtra Cooperative
Societies Act, 1960 by the Assistant Registrar/ Deputy Registrar/Joint Registrar of Cooperative
2. You have purchased the Flat No ………. ………. ………. Admeasuring ………. ……….
………. Sq.mtrs., Constructed in the building No………. ………. / known as ………. ………. ……….
………. ………. ………. constructed on the plot No ………. ………. ………. Admeasuring ……….
………. ………. . sq.mtrs. The said flat is deemed to have been allotted to you under Bye-law No.76(a)
of the bye-laws of the society. The flat admeasuring ………. ………. ………. sq.mtrs. in the building No
………. ………. ………. of the society known as ………. ………. ………. constructed on the plot
admeasuring ………. ………. ………. Sq.mtrs. Stands allotted to you under the provision of Bye-law
No.76(a) of the bye-laws of the society on transfer of interest in the said flat by Shri/ Shrimati to you as
approved by the Committee/ General Body Meeting of the society held or
3. You may enjoy the right of occupation of the said flat / plot under the provisions of the Byelaw
No. 24(a) of the bye-laws of the society.
4. So long as the said Flat / Bungalow stands in your name in the records of the society, your
right of occupying the flat / plot shall be subject to the following provisions in the bye -laws of the society
that is to say sub-letting, giving on leave and licence m care- taker basis the said flat or part of the plot
of parting with the possession of the flat /plot in any other manner, maintenance of the flat by the
member and repairs to it additions and alterations in the Flat / Bungalow, avoiding any kind of nuisance,
annoyance or inconvenience to other members of the society, stocking or storing of any kind of goods
or materials, which are combustible, obnoxious or other goods for the storing of which permission of the
authority, under any law, relating thereto is necessary restrictions on holding more than one Flat /
Bungalow, payment of charges of the society, transfer of shares held by you and your interest in the
capital/ property of the society, use of the flat / plot for the purpose for which the same has been given
as mentioned in para 5 below, change in user and any other conditions laid down under the provisions
of the Bye-laws of the society or these bye-laws, but not specifically mentioned hereinabove.
5. The Flat/ Bungalow allotted to you shall be used only for the purposes mentioned below.
(State here the purpose for which the fla / plot in question allotted/ is deemed to have been allotted.)Any
breach/breaches of the provision of the bye-laws of the Society which are considered by the Managing
Committee of the Society as serious nature shall render you liable for expulsion from membership of the
Society and consequently eviction from the flat/ plot.
Yours faithfully,
Place :-
Date:- Secretary/Chairman
[Under the Bye-law No.27(a)]
The Form of Notice of Resignation of Membership of the society by a member
The Hon. Secretary,
…. …… ……. ….. …… ….. …. …… ……. ….. …… …..
…. …… ……. ….. …… ….. …. …… ……. ….. …… …..
I/ we Shri/ Smt. …. …… ……. ….. …… ….. is/are a member/s of the …. …… ……. ….. …… ….. Cooperative
Housing Society Ltd. having address at …. …… ……. ….. …… ….. …. ….. …… ….. holding
5 shares of Rupees Fifty each, amounting to Rs 50/- the Office/ Flat no. …… in …… wing in the building
of the society numbered/ known as …. …… ……. ….. CHS Ltd.
I/ we desire to withdraw from the society and therefore give you a notice of three months of our intention
to resign membership of the society, as required under the Bye-law No. 27(a) of the bye-laws of the
I/ we hereby state that I/ we am/ are prepared to discharge in full the amount of liability to the society as
per records of the society before my resignation is considered by the Managing Committee of the
I/ we authorize the society to recover the charges of the society, due to me from the value of my interest
in the flat.
On acceptance of my/our resignation, I/we will surrender the share certificate No. ….. ….. for shares
numbering from …… to …… (both inclusive) for Rs. 50/- to the society and the vacant possession of the
office for being acquired by the
society purchasers or transferee. I / we request you to please pay me / us the value of the shares
referred to above and the value of my / our interest in the flat, due to me, after deducting the amount
payable to the Society and outstanding against me.
Yours faithfully,
Shri/ Smt. …. …… ……. ….. …… …..
Place :
Date :
[Under the Bye-law No.31]
The Secretary
………………………..Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.,
………… …… ……….. …………… …………..
1.I/We/Shri/Shrimati/Messrs ……… …… … ……… …… …… ……….. are a member of the
…… …… …… ……… ………Co-operative Housing Society Ltd, having address at ……… ……… …
…… … …… …………
2.I hold the share certificate no. . …. …….. . ….. dated … . . . . . . . fully paid up shares of
Rupees fifty each, bearing number from….. ……… to …….. ……. (both inclusive), issued by the said
society to me.
3.I also hold the Flat No…… ……… admeasuring ……. ……….. sq. metres, in the building of
the said society, known*numbered as …….. ………
4.As provided under Rule 25 of the Maharashtra Co-op. Societies Rules, 1961, I hereby
nominate the person/s whose particulars are as given below,
Name/s of the
Address of the
with the
Share of each
Date of Birth of
nominee/s if the
nominee/s is a
5.As provided under Section 30 of eh Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960, and the
Bye- laws No. 36 of the Society, I state that on my death the Shares mentioned above and my interest
in eh flat, the details of which are given above, should be transferred to Shri/ Shrimati… … …… ……
…… …the first named nominee, on his/her complying with the provisions of the Bye-laws of the society
regarding requirements of admission to membership and on furnishing *Indemnity Bond, alongwith the
application for membership, indemnifying the society against any claims made to the said shares and
my interest in the said flat by the other nominee/nominees.
6.As the nominee at Sr. No… …… …… …… …is the minor. I hereby appoint Shri/Shrimati…
… …… …… … … ……… …… .as the guardian/legal representative of the minor to represent the
minor nominee in Matters connected with this nomination.
Signature of the Nominator Member
Name and Addresses of Witnesses
(1)Shri/Shrimati…………………. (1) Signature of the Witness
(2)Shri/Shrimati…………………. (2) Signature of the Witness
The nomination was placed in the meeting of the managing committee of the society held on
…………….. for being recorded in it minutes.
The nomination has been recorded in the nomination register at Sr. No……………...
The Hon. Secretary
………Co.op. Housing Society Ltd.
Received the duplicate copy of the nomination.
Date: Nominator- Member
[Under the Bye-laws Nos. 33]
The Form of application for Membership by the Nominee/Nominees
The Secretary
………………………..Co- operative Housing Society Ltd.,
I/We Shri/Smt./Messrs …… …… … …… …… hereby make an application for membership of the
…… …… … …… …… Co-operative Housing Society Ltd …… …… … …… …… and for transfer of
shares and interest of Shri/Shrimati…… …… … …… …… Deceased member of the society, in the
capital/ property of the society.
Shri/Shrimati …… …… … …… …… was a member of the society holding …… …… … …… ……
shares of Rs. fifty each and Flat No. …… …… … …… …… in the society’s building.
Shri/Shrimati…… …… … …… …… the deceased member of the society died on…… …… … ……
…… A copy of the death certificate of the said member is enclosed.
The late Shri/Shrimati…… …… … …… …… the deceased member of the society had nominated
me/us under Rule 25 of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Rules, 1961.
Being the only nominee/ authuorised nominees as per nomination filed with the society by the
deceased member, I/We am /are entitled to make an application for membership of the society and fro
transfer of shares and interest of the deceased member in the capital/property of eth society to my/ our
I/We have executed the Indemnity Bond in favour of the society indemnifying it against any claim
made at any subsequent time by other nominee/ nominees to the shares and interest of the deceased
member in the capital / property of the society. The said Indemnity Bond is enclosed herewith.[Appendix
I/We remit herewith an amount of Rs. 100 as entrance fee My particulars for the purpose of
consideration of my application for membership of the society are as under:
Age : ………………………….
Occupation : ………………………….
Monthly Income : Rs………………………
Office Address : …………………………
Residential Address : …………………………
I/We enclose herewith the undertaking and declaration, in the prescribed forms, in respect of the
registration of transfer of the resignation of transfer of the flat to my/our name under Section 269AB of
the Income-Tax Act.
I/We undertake to discharge the present and future liabilities to the society/ As I have no
independent source of income, I enclose herewith the undertaking in the prescribed form from the
person, on whom I am dependent to the effect that he will discharge all the present and future liabilities
to the society on my behalf. I/We have got understood one through the bye-laws of the society and
undertake to abide by the same and any modifications that the Registering Authority may in them.
I/We request you to please admit me/us a member of the society and transfer the shares and
interest of the deceased member in the capital / property of the society to my/ our name. The share
certificate held by the, deceased member is enclosed herewith.
Your Faithfully,
Note (1) The expression “a member of a family” means as defined under bye- law 3(xxv).
(2) The undertaking about registration of the flat is not necessary if the nominee is related to the deceased member within
the meaning of Section 2(41) of the Income-tax Act.
[Under the Bye-law No. 34]
The Form of Notice, inviting claims or objections to the transfer of the shares and the interest of the
Deceased Member in the Capital/ Property of the society.
(To be published in two local newspapers having large publication)
Shri/Shrimati ……. ……… …….. ………. a Member of the ……… …….. ………. Co-operative Housing
Society Ltd. having, address at……… …….. ………. and holding flat/ tenement No ……. …………
………… in the building of the society, died on ……… …….. ………. without making any nomination.
The society hereby invites claims or objections from the heir or heirs or other claimants/ objector or
objectors to the transfer of the said shares and interest of the deceased member in the capital/ property
of the society within a period of days from the publication of this notice, with copies of such documents
and other proofs in support of his/her/their claims/ objections for transfer of shares and interest of the
deceased member in the capital/ property of the society. If no claims/ objections are received within the
period prescribed above, the society shall be free to deal with the shares and interest of the deceased
member in the capital/ property of the society in such manner as is provided under the bye-laws of the
society. The claims/ objections, if any, received by the society for transfer of shares and interest of the
deceased member in the capital/ property of the society shall be dealt with in the manner provided
under the bye-laws of the society. A copy of the registered bye-laws of the society is available for
inspection by the claimants/ objectors, in the office of the society/ with the secretary
Of the society between ……… …….. A. M.I P. M. to …. …… …..A.M./P.M. from the
date of publication of the notice till the date of expiry of its period.
For and on behalf of
The ........................Co-op. Housing Society Ltd.
Place :
Hon. Secretary
Date :
(Under the Bye-law Mo. 34)
(To be given on Stamp Paper of Rs. 200 or to be affixed with adhesive stamps of the same
(To be given where there are more nominees than one)
I, Shri/Shrimati ………… ……….. residing at ………… ……….. anIndian inhabitant state as under:
2. Shri/Shrimati ………… ……….. residing at ………… ……….. was the member of the …………
……….. ………… ……….. Co-operative Housing Society Ltd, having address at ………… ………..
He/She was holding Share Certificate No ………… ……….. for ten fully paid up shares of rupees fifty
each, bearing distinct numbers from ………… ……….. to ………… ……….. (both inclusive).
3. The said Shri/Shrimati ………… ……….. was holding the flat / tenement No. ………… ……….. on
………… ……….. floor, in the building known as; or in the building No. of the society constructed on the
plot of land, bearing No situated at ………… ……….. ………… ………..
4. The said Shri/Shrimati………… ……….. ………… ……….. had nominated the following persons
under Rule 25 of the Maharashtra Co-op Societies Rules, 1961
i) Shri/Shrimati ..............................................................................
ii) Shri/Shrimati ..............................................................................
iii) Shri/Shrimati ..............................................................................
iv) Shri/Shrimati ..............................................................................
5. I am duly authorised by the above nominees to make an application *':-membership of the
society. My name appears first in the said nomination Letter
6. The said Shri/Shrimati died on or about ………… ………..
7. According to the Bye-law No. 34 of the said Society, I am entitled to make ar application for
membership of the said society and for transfer of the said shares a~ interest of the said deceased
member in the said flat / tenement to my names Accordingly, I have made an application for
membership of the said society and *ar transfer of the shares and the interest of the said deceased
member in the said, flat tenement to my name.
8. I hereby indemnify and keep indemnified the said society and its office-bearers -against any
claim, demand, suit or other legal proceedings by other nominee/nominees claiming either lawfully
and/or equitably through the said deceased Shri/Shrimati ………… ……….. and shall see that the said
society and its office bearers are not put to losses.
I further declare and undertake to bear all expenses, costs, charges in respect of any such claim,
demand, suit and/or legal proceedings which may be filed by other nominee/ nominees either lawfully
and/or equitably claiming through the said deceased member of the society.
9. I am fully aware of the fact that the society admits me as its member in place of the said
deceased member of the society only on the basis of the indemnity and undertaking furnished by me.
Signature of applicant
Place :
Date :
Signature of nominees other than applicant
1) .............................................................
2) .............................................................
3) .............................................................
Witnesses :-
1) Name ...................................... 1) Signature of the Witness
Address ..................................
2) Name ...................................... 2) Signature of the Witness
Address .................................
Place : Date :
[Under the Bye-law No. 35]
To be given on Stamp Paper of Rs. 200 or on a paper affixed with adhesive stamps of the same
(To be given where there is no nomination)
1. I, Shri/Shrimati ….. …… …… …….. of … …… …… ….. Indian inhabitant state as under.
2. Shri/Shrimati …… … … ……. residing at …… …… …… ……….who was the member of the Cooperative
Housing Society Ltd. having address at …… …… …… …… … …… died on or about
3. The said Shri/ Shrimati … …. … …. ……… had not made an nomination as provided under Rule 25
of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Rules 1961.
4. The said Shri/Shrimati ……… ……… ……… was holding the share certificate No. ………….. for ten
fully paid up shares of Rupees Fifty each, bearing distinctive number from ……… ………….. … ……
(both inclusive)
5. The said Shri/ Shrimati ……….. ………………. Was holding the flat / tenement No. ……. … …… on
…… ….. ……… ……. floor, in the building of the society known as ..................... or in the building No
constructed on the plot of land bearing no ……… …………. situated at …………. …………….
6. The said Shri/Shrimati …… ……………….. has left behind me as his/her only heir/the following heirs :
(i) Shri/Shrimati ................................................................................
(ii) Shri/Shrimati ................................................................................
(iii) Shri/Shrimati ................................................................................
(iv) Shri/Shrimati ................................................................................
(v) Shri/Shrimati ................................................................................
As I am the only heir of the deceased Shri/Shrimati ……….. ……………… I inherit his/her shares, and
his/her interest in the said tenement. According to the bye-law No. 35 of the bye-laws of the said
society, I am entitled to make an application for membership of the said society and for transfer of the
said shares and interest of the said deceased member in the said flat / tenement to my name.
Accordingly, I have made an application for transfer of the said shares and the interest of the said
deceased member in
the said flat to my name.
According to the bye-law No 35 of the bye laws' of the society, all the above heirs have jointly made an
affidavit, and have suggested my name to make an application for membership of the said society and
for transfer of the said shares and the interest of the said deceased member in the said flat / tenement/
plot of land to my name . Accordingly I have made application for membership of the said society and
for transfer of the said shares and the interest of the deceased member in the said flat / tenement to my
7. I hereby indemnify and keep indemnified the said society and its office-bearers against any claim
demand, suit or other legal proceedings by any other heir/heirs, either lawfully and/or equitably through
the said deceased Shri/Shrimati . ……….. ………. ………. …….. and shall see that the said society and
its office bearers are not put to losses. I further declare and undertake to bear all expenses, costs,
charges in respect of any such claim, demand, suit and/or legal proceedings which may be filed by any
other heir/heirs either lawfully and/or equitably claiming through the said deceased member of the
8. I am fully aware of the fact that the society admits me as its member in place of the said deceased
member of the society only on the basis of the indemnity and undertaking furnished by me.
1. ………… ……………….. …………… 1) Name ............................. 1) Signature of the Witness
Witnesses Address
2. ………… ……………….. …………… 2) Name............................. 2) Signature of the Witness
Address ............
Place: Date :
Appendix -20 (2)
( Under the Bye-law No.37 (a))
A form of the letter of consent of the proposed Transferee for the transfer of the shares and interest of
the member (Transferor) to him ( Transferee).
The Secretary,
…… ……. ……. Co-operative Housing Society, Limited.
…… …….…… …….…… ……. …… …….…… …….
Shri/Shrimati/ M/s ……….. …………. ………. are the members of …….. ………. Co-operative Housing
Society Ltd. Proposes to transfer his / her / their shares and interest in the capital/property of the society
to me/us. I/We hereby give my/our consent for the transfer of shares and interest of Shri/ Smt./M/s.
………. …….. in the capital /property of the society to me/us as required under Rule 24(1) (b) of the
Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Rules, 1961.
My/our name and address is as under.
Yours faithfully.
Date :-
Appendix - 2 0 ( I )
( Under the Bye-law No.37 (a))
A form of Notice of, intention of a member to transfer his shares and Interest in the capita! /property of
the Society.
The Secretary,
...................................... Co-operative Housing Society, Limited.
l/We Shri/Shrimati/M/s …….. …… ……… ……. Are the member of ……… ……….. Co-operative
Housing Society Ltd. Having address at ……… ………and are holding Ten /Twenty fully paid up shares
of Rs.50/-, bearing distinctive numbers from …….. …… ……… ……. to …….. …… ……… …….
(both) inclusive) and are holding the flat / tenement no. …….. …………. in the building no …….. ……
……… ……. of the society, and hereby give you notice as required under Rule 24 of the Maharashtra
Co-operative Societies Rules, 1961, as under.
I/we Shri/ Shrimati / M/s ……….. …………… ……….. intend to transfer my/our shares and my/our
ownership right, title and interest in the capital in the flat / tenement in the building of the Society, and
my/our interest in the property of the society to Shri. /Shrimati/ M/s
........................................................................... for a consideration of Rs ……….. …………… ………..
The consent of the transferee is enclosed.
Yours faithfully,
Date :-
Appendix No. 21
(Under the Bye - law No. 37 (e) (i))
Form of application for transfer of shares and interest in the capital/ property of the society by the
transferor (being an individual)
…… ……. …….. Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.
…… ……. …….. …… ……. …….. …… ……. ……..
1. I Shri/Shrimati …… ……. …….. …… ……. am the member of …… ……. …….. …… ……. Cooperative
Housing Society Ltd., having address at and holding share certificate No …… ……. ……..
…… ……. for ten fully, paid up shares of Rupees fifty each, bearing distinctive numbers from …….. to
………(both inclusive) and holding Flat / Tenement No …… ……. …….. …… ……. admeasuring
……… sq. mtrs in the building of the society, numbered / known as
2. I had given you notice of my intention to transfer the said shares and my interest in the
capital / property of the society on as required under Rule 24 (1) (b) of Maharashtra Co-operative
Societies Rules, 1961 along with the consent of the proposed transferee Shri / Shrimati / Ms …… …….
…….. …… …….
3. I enclose herewith the application in the prescribed form for membership of the said society
by the said proposed transferee .
4. I remit here with the transfer fee of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only ) I alsc
remit herewith the amount of the premium of Rs …… ……. …….. …… ……. (Rupees …… ……. ……..
…… ……. only) as provided under bye-law No. 38 (e
(ix) of the bye laws of the society.
4. I state that the said shares and interest in the capital /property of the said society
have been held by me for a period of not less than a year.
6. I further state that the liabilities due to the said society by me as on the date of this
application have been fully paid by me . I also undertake to pay the liabilities which may become due till
the transfer application is approved by the society.
7. I hereby undertake to discharge any liabilities to the said society which related to the period
of my membership with the said society and have before payable by me after cessation of my
membership of the society due to any demand made by the local authority, Government or by any other
Authority on any account, after cessation of my membership.
8. I propose to transfer the said shares and my interest in the capital / property of the said
society on the following grounds.
i)…… ……. …….. …… …….
ii)…… ……. …….. …… …….
iii)…… ……. …….. …… …….
9. I also furnish herewith the undertaking in the prescribed form on One Hundred Rupees
stamp paper about the registration of the transfer as required under section 269-A-B of Income Tax Act
10. I request you to approve the proposed transfer and inform me accordingly.
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of the Transferor)
Place :-
Date :-
(Under the Bye law No. 37(e) (i))
Form of application for transfer of shares and interest in the capital/ property of the society by the
transferor. (Being a Corporate Body)
The Secretary,
……… ……… ………Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.
1. I We/M/s. ……… ……… ……… are the member of ……… ……… ……… Co-operative Housing
Society Ltd, having address at ……… ……… ……… and holding share certificate No. …….
……….. ………. for Twenty fully paid up shares of Rupees Fifty each bearing distinctive numbers from
…. ……. To …….. ….. ( both inclusive) and holding Flat/ Tenement No. …… ……. Admeasuring ……
…… sq. mtrs. in the building of the society, numbered/ known as ……… ………
2. We had given you notice of my intention to transfer the said shares and our interest in the capital /
property of the society on ................. as requited under Rule 24 (1) (b) of Maharashtra Co-operative
Societies Rules, 1961 along with the consent of the proposed transferee Shri/ Shrimati/ M/s. ……. ……
3 We enclose herewith the application in the prescribed form for membership of the said society by the
said proposed transferee named in the notice referred to above.
4.We remit herewith the transfer fee of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only). We also remit
herewith the amount of the premium of Rs ………. ………. …………. (Rupees ………. ………. ………….
only) as provided under bye law No.38 (e) (vii) of the bye laws of the society.
5. We state that the said shares and interest in the capital /property of the said society
have been held by us for a period of not less than a year.
6. We further state that the liabilities due to the said society by us as on the date of this application have
been fully paid by us. We also undertake to pay the liabilities which may become due till the transfer
application is approved by the society.
7. We hereby undertake to discharge any liabilities to the said society which are related to the
period of our membership with the said society and have become payable by us after cessation of
membership of the society due to any demand made by the local authority, Government or by any other
Authority on any account after cessation of my membership.
8. We propose to transfer the said shares and our interest is the capital / property of the said
society on the following grounds :
i) ...........................................................................
ii) .........................................................................
9. We also furnish herewith the undertaking in the prescribed form on one hundred Rupees
stamp paper about the registration of the transfer as required under section 269-A-B of the Income Tax
Act there under.
10. We have authorised Shri./Shrimati ………. ………. …………. to sign the application for
transfer on our behalf. A certified copy of the authority letter is enclosed herewith.
11. We request you to approve the proposed transfer and inform us accordingly.
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of the Transferor)
Place :-
Date :-
FORM NO. 2 3
[Under the Bye-law No. 37 (e) (ii)]
Form of application for membership of the society by the Proposed transferee. [being an individual]
The Secretary,
…… … ……… …… ……… … ……… …Co-op. Hsg. Soc. Ltd.
……… ………… ……… ………… ……
Shri/Shrimati ………… ……… ………… intend to become a member of the ………… ……… …………
Co-operative Housing Society Ltd., having address at ………… ……… ………… by transfer of the
Shares Certificate No ………… ……… ………… for five fully paid up shares of Rupees Fifty each
bearing distinctive numbers from ………… to ………… ……… ………… [both inclusive] held by
Shri/Shrimati ………… ……… ………… the member of the said society and his / her interest in the flat
No………… admeasuring sq. metres, in the building of the said society, numbered / known as …………
……… ………… held by the said Shri/ Shrimati ………… ……… ………… to my name.
I had given my consent to the proposed transfer of the said shares and the interest of the said transferor
in the capital / property of the said society to me on ………… ……… …………
I now make this application for membership of the said society and for transfer of the said shares and
the interest of the said transferor in the capital / property of the said society to my name.
The particulars for the purpose of consideration of my application for membership of the …………
……… ………… Co-op. Hsg. Soc. Ltd., are given below :
Age :
Occupation :
Monthly Income : Rs.
Office Address :
Residential Address :
I remit herewith the entrance fee of Rs. 100/- [Rupees One Hundred only].
I declare that there is no plot / flat / house owned by me / any of the members of my family / the person
dependent on me, in the area of operation of the society.
I give below the particulars of the plot / flat / house owned by me /
any of the members of my family / the person dependent on me, in
the area of operation of the society.
Name of
Particulars of the plot / flat / house
owned by me / the members of
my family / the person dependent
on me, the area of operation of
the society
Location of the
plot / flat / house
Reasons as to why it is
necessary to have a flat in
this society
1 2 3 4 5
I furnish herewith the declaration in the prescribed form, on ten rupees stamp paper, about non-holding
of any vacant land or land with a building, in any urban agglomeration, specified under the Urban Land
(ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976, the area of which exceeds 500 sq. mtrs.
I also furnish herewith the undertaking in the prescribed form, on ten rupees stamp paper, about
registration of the transfer under Section 269 AB of the Income-tax Act and the rules made thereunder.
I undertake to use the flat, proposed to be transferred to me, for the propose
mentioned in the letter that will be issued to me by the said society, under bye-law No. 76 (a) of the bye-laws of the
said society and that no change of the user of the said flat will be made by me without the prior approval of the society
in writing. The undertaking to that effect in the prescribed form is enclosed herewith.
I undertake to discharge all the liabilities to the society, which may become due from the date of my admission to the
membership of the society. As I have no independent source of income, I enclose herewith the undertaking in the
prescribed form from the person, on whom I am dependent, to the effect that he will discharge all the liabilities of the
I enclose herewith the undertaking in the prescribed form that the plot / flat / house owned by me / any of the members
of my family / the person dependent on me, the details of which are given in this application about the disposal of the
said flat / plot / house.
I have gone through the bye-laws of the society and undertake to abide by the same and any modifications that the
Registering Authority may make in them.
I request you to please admit me as a member of the said society and transfer the shares and the interest of the
transferor in the capital / property of the said society to my name.
Yours faithfully,
(Signature of the applicant)
Place :
Date :
(Under the Bye-law No. 37(e)(ii))
Form of application for membership of the society by the proposed transferee (Being a Body Corporate)
The Secretary,
………. …….. …….. ........... Co-operative Housing Society Ltd.,
1.We, Messers ………. …….. …….. having address at ………. …….. ……..intend to become a member of the
Co-operative Housing Society Ltd., by transfer of Share Certificate No ………. …….. ……..for twenty fully paid up
shares bearing distinctive numbers from ………. …….. …….. to ………. …….. ……..(both inclusive) held by Shri/Smt
the member of the said society and his/her interest in Flat No ………. …….. …….. admeasuring ………. …….. ……..sq.
mtrs, in the building of the said society, numbered/named as to our name.
2.We had given our consent to the proposed transfer of the said shares and interes: of the said transferor in
the capital/ property of the said society to us on
3.We now make this application for membership of the said society and for transfer of the said shares and the
interest/ of the said transferor in the capital/ property of the said society to our name.
4.We remit herewith the entrance fee of Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only) and Rs. 500/- (Rupees five
hundred only) as value of aforesaid shares as per bye-law No 19(B).
5.We hereby undertake to discharge all the liabilities to the society which ma. become due from the date of our
admission to the membership of the society.
6.We declare on the basis of the information given to us by the said society that by admitting us to membership
of the said society, the total membership of corporate bodies of the said society will not exceed the limit mentioned in
Government order enclosed at Annexure 1 to bye laws of the society.
7.We also furnish herewith the undertaking in the prescribed form on One Hundred Rupees
stamp paper about registration of the transfer under section 269 AB of the Income Tax Act and the rules made
their under.
8.We undertake to use the flat / tenement proposed to be transferred to us for the purpose mentioned in the
letter that will be issued to us by the said society under bye-law No. 76(a) of the bye-laws of the said society and that no
change of user of the said flat will be made by us without prior approved of the society in writing: The undertaking to
that effect in the prescribed form is enclosed herewith.
9.We have gone through the bye-laws of the society and the Government orders issued under section 22 of
Maharashtra Co-op. Societies Act, 1960 and undertake to abide by the same and any modifications that the registering
Authority and the Government may respectively make in them.
10.Shri/Shrimati ………. …….. …….. has been authorized to sign this application on our behalf. A certified
copy of the authority letter is enclosed herewith.
11.We request you to please admit us as member of the said society and to transfer said shares and the
interest of the transferor in the capital/ property of the said society to our name.
Signature of authorised person
Place :
Date :
On A Hundred Rupees STAMP PAPER
(Under the Bye - law No. 37(e) (xi)
A form of undertaking about the registration of the transfer of a flat under Section 269 AB of the Income
- Tax Act.
(To be given jointly by the Transferor and the Transferee)
I/We, Shri/Srimati/Messers …… ….. …… .…. …… (Transferor) am/are a member/members of the …..
……. …………… ……………. Co- operative Housing Society Ltd, Address :- ……………. …………
………… ………….. holding flat/ bungalow no……….. ……….. ……. address:-……… …………..
…………….. in the building/plot of the society and …………………. …………. (Transferee) intends to
become a member and intends to get transferred the said flat to himself from the aforesaid (Transferor).
We jointly undertake that we or either of us, as is decided amongst ourselves shall furnish necessary
information in Form No.37E to the competent authority under the Income-Tax Act within 30 days of the
General Body Meeting from me date of execution of transfer agreement deed at which the transfer will
be approved for the purpose of registration of the transfer -under Section : 269 AB of the Income-Tax
Signature of the Transferee ...............................................
Signature of the Transferor ...............................................
Date :-
Note :- This undertaking is not necessary where the transfer is between two relatives, as defined in
Section 2(41) of the Income-Tax Act, or if the consideration for the transfer is Rs. 75,00,000/- or less
On A Hundred Rupees STAMP PAPER
(Under the Bye-laws Nos. 19A (vii) and (iv)
Form of Undertaking about the registration of the acquisition of a flat under section 269 AB of the
Income-Tax Act.)
(To be given by a person seeking direct admission to the membership of the Society)
I/We, Shri/Srimati/Messers ………. …………….. …………… intend to become a member of the……..
…………. Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. ( Proposed) in respect of the Flat No………… ……………
in the building of the society, purchased by me/us under the agreement under Section 4 of the
Maharashtra Ownership Flats Act, 1963 entered into with the Builder, solemnly declare that I shall
furnish necessary information in Form 37E to the competent authority, under the Income-Tax Act, within
30 days of the General Body Meeting at which the application for membership will be approved, or
being registered under Section 269 AB of the Income Tax Act.
Signature of the Applicant
Place :
Date :-
Note :- This Undertaking is not necessary where the transfer is between two relatives, as defined in
Section 2(41) of the Income-Tax Act, or if the consideration for the transfer is Rs.75,00,000/- or less.
(Under the Bye-law No.39)
A form of intimation by the society to the transferee about exercise of rights of membership by him.
Shri. /Shrimati/ Messers, ……….. ………. …..
……… ……….. ……… ……… …….. …….
Upon acceptance of the application for transfer of Shares and interest of Shri/ Shrimati / Messrs ………
……… ……….. in the capital/ property of the society, to you and upon acceptance of your application
for membership of this society simultaneously, in the General Body Meeting of the society, held on
……….. ……… …….. your name has been entered in the Register of Members in "I" Form and in the
List of Members in "J" Form and necessary endorsement of transfer of shares held by the transferor to
your name has been made in the letter bearing No………. ……….. Upon receiving this letter, you shall
be eligible to exercise the rights of membership of this society in accordance with the Act, Rules and the
Bye-Laws of the Society.
The said share certificate, duly endorsed in your name, is enclosed herewith.
Yours faithfully,
The. ….. ……. ……. Co-operative Housing Society Lid.
Date :-
Enclosures :- Share Certificate
(Under the Bye-law No. 59)
Form of application for permission to hold more than one flat.
The Secretary/Chief Promoter,
…….. ………. ………. Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. (Proposed)
1. I am the member/promoter of the………. ………. Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. (proposed ) at
………. ………. and hold/ intend to hold flat No. ………. ………. Admeasuring ………. ………. Sq.
metres, in the building No ………. ………. Building/Plot known as ………. ……….………. ……….
2. I intend to have additional flat in the building of your society, in my name/ in the name of my wife
/husband/ son having no independent source of income/unmarried daughter/ person dependent on me.
The area of the said flat is ………. ……….square metres / ft.
3. As the number of members in the family is large/ the number of persons dependent on me
and required to stay with me is large/my business activities are such need special arrangement to
accommodate visitors coming to me for business (State here any other convincing reason ), the
additional fiat is absolutely necessary.
4. I hereby declare that both my flats will be used for my/our bonafide residential purposes and
would not be sub-let or given on leave and licence or care-taker basis or possession thereof would not
be part with any other manner without the previous permission of the committee of the society.
5. I request you to please grant necessary permission for holding the additional flat.
Yours faithfully
Signature of the Applicant
, Place:-
Date :-


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