Right of Member for records of Society - Maharashtra - MCS Act
Many a Members read the bye law, without understanding of the law - the MCS Act and demand the Commitee to produce the records, at their Whims! Can't undestand that the ordeal that is faced by the
MC. Most of the MC Members are professionals with diverse field and having join the Commitee to do their best to the collective interest of the Society and the spirit of cooperation. They cant be expected to be versatile with the law and even if so the time and bandwidth to respond to such members.
Thanks to the technology, often used than use, Members demand that the documents be shown to them at their behest the very next day or even at times walk out to the Office demanding to be shown the records. More ofeten, they dont even set out what exactly they want to See.
Simple reading of the MCS Act and the Bye Laws in a harmonious objective will make things clear
MCS Act - Section 32
MC. Most of the MC Members are professionals with diverse field and having join the Commitee to do their best to the collective interest of the Society and the spirit of cooperation. They cant be expected to be versatile with the law and even if so the time and bandwidth to respond to such members.
Thanks to the technology, often used than use, Members demand that the documents be shown to them at their behest the very next day or even at times walk out to the Office demanding to be shown the records. More ofeten, they dont even set out what exactly they want to See.
Simple reading of the MCS Act and the Bye Laws in a harmonious objective will make things clear
MCS Act - Section 32
Right of Members
- To get Maharashtra Co-op. Societies Act 1960 Rule 1961 and Registration copy of the society by-laws.
- Copy of Audit Report.
- List of members
- Registration book of member. (I and J form)
- Minutes of the managing committee meeting.
- Minutes of Annual General Body meeting and special general body meeting
- Copies of the account in which such members’ transaction are recorded.
Bye Law 23
(a) A Member shall have right to inspect free of cost books, registers, documents, etc., as provided in Section 32(1) of the Act and get copies of the documents as provided under Section 32(2) of the Act and get copies of the documents as provided under Section 32(2) of the Act, on payment of the fees prescribed under the byew law No.172
(b) A Member shall be entitled to receive a copy of the Approved Bye-laws, Audit Report of the Society, on payment of charges prescribed thereof.
Hence a Member's right to inspect records are limited to the provisions of Section 32. Not Many members are aware of this simply cite Bye Law 23 and claim unrestricted rights of gte crashing in the office for demanding records that their whims require
The Federations should be raising the awareness of its consittutent societies and also the members at large with sessions.
Of course there are federations doing this initiative at periodical intervals but hardly the members find it convenient to get educated