Why not the definition terrorism cover chain snatching!


Terrorism is defined as the systematic use of murder, injury, destruction or the threat of such acts aimed at achieving political ends- has the power to alter course of history. 9/11 attacks in New York and the Washington bombings in Madrid are the prime examples of it

Terrorism is the phenomenon, which produces terrorists.  Therefore, combating terrorism has a wider connotation. It includes identification and eradication of the causes which give rise to, and promote the phenomenon of terrorism. That is the lasting remedy or cure of terrorism. Terrorism has no precise definition. 

In a Supreme Court ruling Dr.A.S.Anand defined terrorism as an attempt to acquire or maintain power or control by intimidation and causing fear and helplessness in the minds of the people at large or any section thereof. It is a totally abnormal phenomenon. What distinguishes terrorism from other forms of violence therefore appears to be a delicate and systematic use of coercive intimidation 

Terrorism results in gross violation of human rights and must, no doubt, be dealt with a heavy hand. However, the methods to counter terrorism must not violate the human rights of innocents or else the innocents would be exposed to double jeopardy and suffer twin violation of their human rights. Experience worldwide has shown that state terrorism to combat terrorism is counter productive.

Courtesy: Article by Justice S B Sinha, Supreme Court of India -  JKM Trust Tripod.com 

I have been pondering for quite some time, why by these yardstick, chain snatching be brought under the purview of terrorism ! does this question poses a harsh theory? on the surface, it may looks so or weird! But ask the women who goes through night mare every day and deprived of even the liberty of wearing simple bangles or jewels!

Recently I came across an incident where a school girl was snatched of her chain - by the time she could relieve from shock, the snatcher returned to slap her, abusing her as to why she was wearing a fake ornament (gold covering)

Not a street, lane or an area is spared in India and this terror unleashed on all sects of women has ended in maiming or even killing them by pushing them off the track from trains! Chain snatching is hardly done individual criminals and it is a organized chain of terror by well trained wild men (even women) with tiny but dangerous weapons.

While this is a heaviest head ache for the police at all levels,rarely considered as a case at court's level and the judges an elite class protected by police escorts all the time and seldom face such a danger themselves!

Recenly I was in Jewellery shop where every woman was discussing the safety of themselves and the jewels and the retail sales persons had ready made solutions - don't wear every day, for day to day use by  light weight ornaments to minimize or loss OR even dare wear advices!

In the era of emancipation of women power - does a woman has the ease of wearing a jewel, outside home - or even within the precincts!

Let the readers share their views!


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