The new EPF Ceiling and Pension Ceiling may be bolt from blue for employees earning above Rs.15000 - Financial Express
The Financial Express Posted
online: Tuesday, Sep 02, 2014 at 0000 hrs
Till some time back, the
Employees Pension Scheme (EPS) portion of the Employees Provident Fund
Organisation (EPFO) had a hole of around R50,000 crore in terms of the unfunded
liability for future pensions, though a later study suggested this may be a lower
R 10,000 crore. Many suggestions were made to fix this, and this included
increasing the age at which the pension would accrue as well as increasing the
number of people who would contribute to the EPFO and its EPS. What the
government has done fixes the problem somewhat by ensuring that the pension
will not be available to those new members who earn more than R15,000 per
month—existing members who
earn more than this will have to pay the government’s contribution of 1.13% of
their basic to avail of this facility—and various other benefits have
also been trimmed. But there is a larger problem that needs to be fixed. For
one, if the scheme is fundamentally flawed—it is just not viable at current
rates of interest—simply getting more members in doesn’t fix it; it only
postpones the problem till such time the new contributions are not enough to
meet the pension obligations either. Indeed, the finance ministry would do well
to examine whether the scheme breaks even now—the minimum monthly pension of R
1,000 announced in the Budget, for instance, will have to be funded by the
government as the EPS coffers cannot sustain this kind of outgo; will the
finance ministry fund the difference each year?
The larger issue here, of course,
is one of choice. Since increasing the mandatory wage ceiling for being a
member of the EPFO has been raised from R6,500 per month to R15,000, this means
around 4-5 million workers who were free not to be part of the
EPFO now have to become members.
Why? If the idea was to promote savings for old age, the better option would
have been to give people the choice of being part of the EFPO or the New
Pension Scheme (NPS) which offers more flexibility—you can have more money in
equity and can choose your fund manager—as well as significantly higher
returns. It doesn’t help that, with its current charges, the EPFO is a very
expensive fund manager, especially given the fact that its main investments are
in low-yielding government and PSU paper—indeed, the EPFO board has decided it
doesn’t want to invest in equity at all or even exchange-traded funds and wants
to be able to invest more money in GSecs. To the extent the government was keen
a minimum pension be given, this could have been routed through the NPS as
well. Indeed, it is not clear what the government’s objectives are since, while
forcing more people into the EPFO, it is also contributing R1,000 per year for
a certain number of years to NPS-Lite, or the NPS which is meant for the poor.
If the government is interested in a pension plan for the poor, it needs to
re-examine its priorities.