FACTORIES ACT: Prosecution under Factories Act and under the IPC - HIGH COURT OF PUNJAB & HARYANA @ CHANDIGARH
IN THE HIGH COURT OF PUNJAB & HARYANA AT CHANDIGARH 242 CRM-M-54097-2019 (O&M) DHANPREET SINGH AND ANR ..Petitioners Versus STATE OF PUNJAB ...Respondent CORAM: HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE VINOD S. BHARDWAJ Headnotes (Editor) Ø Forcing a person to undergo criminal prosecution without noticing as to whether any criminal case is made out against a person on the strength of the material and evidence collected by the prosecution itself is a perpetuation of injustice. Ø A Court of law cannot refuse to examine the existence of prima facie evidence and as to whether such evidence would support the continuation of proceedings against the petitioner or not on a pretext that such issue is to be examined at the stage of trial. Ø A plea of defence cannot be looked into by the Revisional Court esp...