Empowering Women - Understanding the PoSH Act and Ensuring Governance

Understanding the PoSH Act and Ensuring Governance Posted On EFI's blog - October 8, 2021 Series 2 – Perspective by Supreme Court/High Courts – illustrative case laws Written By: Vasudevan V, Head, LAC, EFI General Counsel & ICC Member for Smollan-HUL JV, Certified Corporate Governance Professional & Member of Core Advocacy Committee – Retailers’ Association of India (RAI) I sincerely acknowledge and appreciate Advocate Bharat Goel, for his minute review of this series and value addition, to ensure that the readers get a better and holistically perspective on the subject matter. “ Though there are number of organizations conscious about the need to adopt appropriate policies and comply with the provisions of the PoSH Act, the most pressing concern that I have found is the lack of training on legal knowledge among the Internal Committee Members (IC) for conducting of an inquiry. Members of IC are usually found unable to conduct inquiries or appreciate evidence or dra...