Payment of Bonus Amend Act 2015 - Glance of Stay Orders granted by Kerala and other High Courts
COURT ORDER FOR STAYING IN THE BONUS AMENDMENT FROM RETROSPECTIVE EFFECT SR NO. NAME OF THE COURT ORDER DATE OF ORDER PETITIONERS RESPONDENTS 1 High Court of Karnataka In the Meanwhile the impugned notification at Annexure A shall stand stayed in so far as the retrospective effect of the implementation provided therein. It is clarified that the amendment will take effect only from financial year 2015 2016 onwards. 02.02.2016 Karnataka Employees Association & another Union of India & Secretary to the Government of India 2 High Court Kerala Order - Amendment to the extent it gives retrospective effect from 01.04.2014 is hereby stayed. In other words shall be implemented from 2015-16 pending disposal of the writ petition. This is with reference to applicability of the interim order by Kerala High Court in United Planters’ Association of Southern India and another vs. Union of India , vide WP(C) No.3025/2016(C) dated 27.1.2016 and also...